Goal: Most acoustically loud/resonant 7 string (Korina??)


Hey folks, so I'm a bit lost in all the variables that go into building great guitars... I recently purchased a John Suhr Korina Standard guitar and it's been attached to me ever since, and I'm trying to nail down where the magic is really coming from. This guitar rings like a bell and resonates with a vibrancy that is truly special. Even when tapping/knocking on it. Always thought of myself as a LP player, erring on the side of darker sounding guitars, but this is one of the brightest guitars I've ever played and now I couldn't live without it. I want a 7 string that will do the same. How much of a factor is the Korina vs it being built by the master craftsmen at Suhr? Are there occasionally just freakishly resonant pieces across all wood types, or do you find this to be typical of Korina?

Figuring it's best to go neck through, fixed bridge, and I want slightly longer scale length than a typical Strat (but still under 27) as these factors have always had a significant impact on resonance to my ears, but other than that what would you pick? Really interested in Skervesen, but also very comfortable sticking with Suhr... No concerns for aesthetics, this guitar will be for writing and recording only, the Agile can take the bumps, drops and risks. My hope is for Strat spank and bounce in the neck, and all hell breaking loose in the bridge, but I'll save pickup discussion for another round of paralysis of analysis lol. I want it to be basically genre-neutral

BTW I often highpass my guitars fairly high, and despite the brightness and rolled off bottom I've experienced acoustically with Korina, every model on the AxeII still has a "too much" setting somewhere in the bass knob's range. The Korina Standard can push ridiculous amounts of bottom cleanly and quickly if the amp has it to give, so I'm not too concerned with a lack of bottom.

Thanks guys, all input appreciated in advance!
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