Global Output 1 Question


Power User
Hi Guys

I like to stream YT songs and whats cool in global EQ is I can change the sound of the video but it also effects the Guitar EQ at the same time anyway around that so it doesn't effect my guitar EQ

I am using a pc with Headphones - thanks much
Thank you :) Trying something like this also no luck - theres not much on YT for tuts on this :(

What happens when you do this?

Sorry, I have never done - no need for me. You do need to send the audio from your computer to 7/8.
Thank you

Looks likes its right - go to output 2 eq nothing - use output global eq 1 it changes streaming yt video and my guitar tone eq

Meaning I will have to use a windows EQ software to EQ YT video and have to keep them separate ? I cant do both in Axe edit ?
Meaning if you want to send computer audio to the USB IN block you need to select the correct audio outputs on the computer.
Yikes are you on PC - never had to do that before not sure where to do that - I dont think you can do that
Your computer has audio devices. Somewhere under Control Panel. You should see Fractal Audio device and I assume the various outputs.

As I said, I haven't done this... I'm not in front of me gear right now.
Thanks yes I checked not possible it just streams on output 1 on pc side of things no biggie - appreciate your time - kind of strange to have a global EQ when you all ready have one in the amp block section
When you are at a gig and have to adjust EQ for the venue you don't want to tweak every preset. Global EQ is perfect for that.
If you are on a Mac, I don't believe it can be done as the audio/midi utility won't let you control which of the channels that are can only see them, but not activate/deactivate you just get the master stream to the axe.
Would be nice in a daw :)
Yes same thing on a pc :) just rifles thru - I could EQ it in windows before it hits AXE - no biggie - thanks Guys
Anyone want a free great pre amp software (apo equalizer) and its companion (Peace program) EQ portion are very nice

Its two separate programs to be installed but work together and free better than payware (windows only) there is no mac version
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