Global IO Presets or Scenes


I know I'm not the first one to suggest this, but since the AFX3 is still somewhat in development I thought I'd bring it up again. Something I've always wanted in the Axe is global IO presets or scenes. The idea is that all global IO parameters - pads, levels, routing, settings, EQ, etc. - could be saved and recalled. So you could have presets for home, studio, rehearsal, and live, and then just switch the preset when you change locations. Ideally all of the settings one needs to change when regularly moving between setups could be included. All of the routing and input / output settings would be recalled, along with corrective level and EQ settings. I'd be willing to bet many people could use this type of functionality.
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Copped the idea from the RME FireFace I use to have. It had routing presets accessible via the front panel, and it was awesome. Whenever I changed setups or project types I could just turn that knob and go. No more scrolling through settings to see what I forgot, or running through check lists to see why I have no sound. Given the target audience for Axe-FX development is pros, I imagine this would be very well received. Rig A vs. Rig B vs. indoor/outdoor... or fly-rig vs. full rack routing. Global cab/power amp modelling switched on/off when you go from FRFR to cabs for a gig. The only way it could be better would be to have a selector on the front panel, but I think it's a little late for that.
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