Global Blocks WTF?

Ant Music

Fractal Fanatic
I've been trying to load some of my Global Blocks into other patches and none of my external controller assignments are carrying over, even when I use the front panel. Am I doing something wrong? Is this being addressed in the new FW and Axe edit?
They don't carry over if I remember correctly. It's been on the wish list for a while.
Yes: front panel, recall, page left to recall effect.

Yep tried it but I was still having issues with it. I'm still in FW 6.02 in case that makes a difference. I've been holding out on upgrading until the new Axe Edit is released and FW9 is out of Beta. I have some big festivals on and I can't afford any changes at the moment.
Yep :)

It has been added sometime, I don't remember exactly when, it's in the firmware release notes though.

I just looked through the release notes for FW9 and worked all the way down to 6.02 and I couldn't find anything like this mentioned.
This is something I eagerly look at every new firmware's release notes in hopes it'll be there, and again have been disappointed (in regards to this...9 looks awesome otherwise). I'm not sure if Cliff just hasn't prioritized it or if he actively has rejected it for some reason, but the current behavior really reduces the usefulness of a global block for Volume, Wah, or anything else controlled by an external controller.

Global should mean global. If you don't want modifiers linked, then it wouldn't be global...just as with any other parameter on the block. Maybe some folks find the current behavior useful, but I don't. Oh well. Maybe someday. Maybe we'll be able to name the global blocks someday too. :)
It is mentioned in fw 9 release notes.
A bug has been solved where Effect Recall sometimes didn't copy/paste controller settings.
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