Global Blocks: restore


something I noticed this evening that I thought I'd mention [in case some of you haven't encountered this]

I was goofing with my presets and found that I didn't like the way things were heading so I decided to restore my A bank
when I looked at my amps and GEQ's I realised that they were the same as before the restore
the reason is that they are linked to global blocks
to get back to my original starting point and essentially reset my global blocks, I had to restore the system file as well as the A bank

restoring the A bank put back the config of all my unlinked blocks
the system restore put back my global blocks
now I'm back to where I was the day I upgraded to fw11.00
So do you restore the system first or the preset(s) first? Or doesn't it matter? So from what you are saying is that global blocks are backed up by the Bot and can be restored?
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