Bug? Global blocks - not loading correctly


I'm on the latest 22.01 FW, and I've noticed an issue when trying to 'link to and load from' a global block.

I have ensured that the block type matches the global block, and that I am recalling the correct global block number - however, everything gets set to it's minimum value.

2 examples; I use a global block for a PEW. When trying to link and load from this block, everything is set to 0, -100 or whatever the minimum value is. Same for a volume / pan block, linked to and loaded from a different global block.

Has anyone else encountered this?
Thanks for the help - I'd already checked that; the mention of:
  • The system uses internal storage to save the Global Blocks data. It's possible to exceed the available storage space. In that case the system will no longer save additional Global blocks, or all values will be reset to minimum. So use them wisely.
Sounds the most plausible culprit, although I'm only using 4 global blocks. And from reading that wiki, there's no way to simply see the global blocks or wipe them down?
Hmm, 4 should not pose any problem. Maybe it's some kind of other failure, or a change in the preset template under the hood. That why it's important to occasionally save your (unlinked) global blocks, to be able to restore them. It's not a 100% bulletproof system.

There's no function to just wipe the global blocks, alas.

Once in a while I wipe all system data by loading a clean system data file (system data saved off a factory fresh unit). Then dial in the Setup parameters as desired, restore FC configuration if needed and re-link the global blocks that I have saved. This gives me a 'fresh' unit.
I've encountered this (global linked blocks suddenly set to all min values) a couple of times since owning my Ax3-Mk1, and never determined any cause or steps to re-create. The first time I resolved it with a restore from system backup, after which I started making global-unlinked copies of all my presets as mentioned above. The 2nd time I was able to get back my correct global blocks from those saved unlinked preset copies. Seems to be some sort of data corruption.
You wrote you took care the block type matches. It also has to be the same block number. Like PEQs1,2,3 and 4 they all have their own separated global block memorys.
I was about to post a new thread, but this sounds exactly like what I'm running into right now. The is an almost new Fx-III that's been updated to 22.01.

I wanted to save a set of PEQ settings to a global block and use that as a template to load into other presets. Here's what I did:

1. In the preset with the settings I wanted, I selected that block in the grid, and from the tools menu used "Link to Global Block" using global block 1.

2. In a new preset where I wanted to use those settings, I selected a block and assigned it to the PEQ type. Then from the tools menu I used "Load from Global Block" choosing global block 1.

At that point everything went quiet, and looking at the settings, it had all the levels at -20 dB...which I'm assuming is just the minimums.

Is this possibly a bug in 22.01? Again, this is just too new for much of anything to have happened to it. Thanks!

I was about to post a new thread, but this sounds exactly like what I'm running into right now. The is an almost new Fx-III that's been updated to 22.01.

I wanted to save a set of PEQ settings to a global block and use that as a template to load into other presets. Here's what I did:

1. In the preset with the settings I wanted, I selected that block in the grid, and from the tools menu used "Link to Global Block" using global block 1.

2. In a new preset where I wanted to use those settings, I selected a block and assigned it to the PEQ type. Then from the tools menu I used "Load from Global Block" choosing global block 1.

At that point everything went quiet, and looking at the settings, it had all the levels at -20 dB...which I'm assuming is just the minimums.

Is this possibly a bug in 22.01? Again, this is just too new for much of anything to have happened to it. Thanks!

After step #1 did you save the preset?

Also, make sure both PEQs are the same "instance" (PEQ1, PEQ2, etc).
After step #1 did you save the preset?

Also, make sure both PEQs are the same "instance" (PEQ1, PEQ2, etc).
Yes I did save the preset. As to your second point, I'm very new to the Fx-III so bear with me, I see that mentioned above but didn't understand that. I guess I don't quite follow what "block instances" are. In the preset I linked from, the PEQ in there is titled "Parametric EQ 1", but I don't understand what determines the "1" there, nor what would change it. Would that only come into play if you had more than one of the same block type in one preset?

Ahhh!...Never mind. I clearly must have missed something previously, as I just tried this again and DID properly get all the settings. No clue what I missed before. Sorry for the noise.

I'd still like to better understand the block instance numbers however. Thanks!

EDIT: OK...I think I get those instances. I can see I was correct that they comes into play with more than one of the same block type in the preset.

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