Global Blocks 101 request


Power User
Hi, all,

I am either misunderstanding something about global blocks, or I have bugs that are making it so it doesn't work right, and I'm not sure which.

Here is what I expect to happen:
  1. I find a reverb I like and want to apply across all my patches
  2. I save it as a block, giving it a name, ReverbUno.
  3. I then go down to the global block menu, and hit "save and link" and put it in Slot #1 there
  4. Now, if I put ReverbUno in a patch elsewhere, as long as I "load and link" that block, it should recall all parameters of that block

Now, according to what I can tell from the manual and the Wiki, I should be able to make an edit to that global block (not sure where? On any preset?) and it should apply across all presets that have that block saved and linked.

But that's not what is happening. Do I have the wrong expectation?
i've never gotten global blocks to function correctly using axe-edit, although i haven't tried the latest versions. it works flawlessly on the front panel and i don't use axe-edit to build presets.

as for deleting globals, i think right now you can only re-save/overwrite them or just don't use them and unlink the blocks. no deleting yet.

i made a video and blog showing how i use globals and how it works using the front panel:

start at 2:35 to skip the global block explanation.
Thanks for the heads up, Chris! This is getting me what I want. I think you're right; it still doesn't work right in AxeEdit. Too bad. But hey, at least it also doesn't corrupt the innards of the hardware!
I find that Axe Edit tends to populate the wrong global slot. I was saving and linking my amp block to slot 1, and did it a few times to make sure it took. Next time I loaded the patch, I saw that I had somehow populated slots 1-5. I know for a fact that I had never saved to any slot past 2 (from Axe Edit or from the front panel).
Thank you very much. I never used the global blocks, but really gonna go this way as it's so easy to do with your video tutorial... Don't mind talking too much!
Cool! I have a list of videos and tutorials I want to make but as some know, it's very time consuming and can be difficult to do right. Nonetheless I'll get to them sooooooon!
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