Wish Global Block Channel Lock


So to try to get around my multiple tuning Virtual Capo issue from before, I tried something else.

At them moment I have a Pitch Block setup as Virtual Capo with channels A to D set to different Shifts(tunings).
A is 0(E), B is -1(Eb), C is -2(D), D is -3(C#). That works.👍
I then converted it to be a Global Block and added it first in line in all of my main presets. That works fine too.👍
I then setup my 4 stand in switches to change to the VC channel A to D respectively. And that works too. 👍

So I though great, that works....until.....
I found a problem!!

Say I am on my rhythm channel, Scene 2, and I select VC Channel C using the stand in switch, I am now tuned down to D. If I then want to do a solo I kick in Scene 3 to go to my Lead scene, however the VC reverts itself back to Channel A and I'm back in E tuning. If I then go back to Scene 2 it "sometimes" goes back to channel C, but mostly it just resets and goes back to Channel A 😂
The same thing happens when moving to another preset that has the Global Block 😂

Now I know within a Preset it can be set so that, say, you manually enable Chorus, for example, while in a scene and then move to another scene, it will remain on when you come back to that first scene. However my Wish is as follows:

Can you please add some kind of switch setting to the Global Blocks that allows for the Channel to be locked so it doesn't change when changing Scenes and Presets.
Or add 2 switches so then can be locked for Scenes and/or Presets independently 🙏🙏

This will enable the VC to work flawlessly across Scenes and Presets and save a lot of time and duplicate presets😀😀

This will be such a great thing that so many people will benefit from.


There are existing wishes related to "locking" blocks from scene changes. There's nothing special about global blocks that makes them different from any other block in this case.
I don't think FAS has indicated any plans for this type of feature.

If you keep the pitch block on one channel (say A) you can adjust the shift amount and store a preset to have linked global blocks in other presets use the new shift amount.

If you need instant floor access to several shift values at a gig, the easiest solution would probably be an additional MIDI controller that can send various CC values for an Ext. Ctrl. (set as shift modifier source). The most recent Ext. Ctrl. value will stay in effect on later presets until you send another CC value. Or you could try an expression pedal/knob connected to the FC. A knob would make precise adjustment easier, but it should be easy enough to get 4 adjacent values from a pedal using narrow heel/toe zones and two larger zones as the middle ~90% of the pedal range.
I don't think FAS has indicated any plans for this type of feature.

If you keep the pitch block on one channel (say A) you can adjust the shift amount and store a preset to have linked global blocks in other presets use the new shift amount.

If you need instant floor access to several shift values at a gig, the easiest solution would probably be an additional MIDI controller that can send various CC values for an Ext. Ctrl. (set as shift modifier source). The most recent Ext. Ctrl. value will stay in effect on later presets until you send another CC value. Or you could try an expression pedal/knob connected to the FC. A knob would make precise adjustment easier, but it should be easy enough to get 4 adjacent values from a pedal using narrow heel/toe zones and two larger zones as the middle ~90% of the pedal range.

Hi can you explain the first option further please. I'm not exactly sure what you are saying?
And also about how the midi setup?
Option 1: Don't switch channels on the pitch block, just set it to channel A in all scenes in all presets and link them all to the same global block #. Adjust the VC shift amount via front panel or AE and store a preset to make all presets use the new shift amount.

MIDI setup: Select an Ext Ctrl as modifier source for VC shift parameter. Choose a CC# for that Ext Ctrl in MIDI/Remote menu. Use a capable enough MIDI controller to send various values for that CC#.
Option 1: Don't switch channels on the pitch block, just set it to channel A in all scenes in all presets and link them all to the same global block #. Adjust the VC shift amount via front panel or AE and store a preset to make all presets use the new shift amount.

MIDI setup: Select an Ext Ctrl as modifier source for VC shift parameter. Choose a CC# for that Ext Ctrl in MIDI/Remote menu. Use a capable enough MIDI controller to send various values for that CC#.

I was originally using the your 1st method, however I really do think the AxeFX should be able to do this simple thing without us having to go to the front panel, changing the setting and then clicking save!! It's not an usable solution for live purposes when we change tunings per song. It we have to roll 1 song into another with different tunings, I can't change it quickly. Firstly I'd need to be in a position on stage to be able to access my rack quickly, which will be offstage, then change it, save it and then get back to my pedalboard ready to start the next song. There's just no way I can do that in under a second!
If that's the case and it's not being looked at I may have to go back to using the Digitech Drop I used before I got my AxeFX and put it in my rack between my wireless receiver and the AxeFX input. Seems like going backwards tho :(
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