Gig Report - CoudEE, Viper Room, Hollywood


Brought the Axe for the Viper Room show on Saturday - and it delivers. Used the 5150 model with drive down for rhythm, same patch boosted with TS808 for high-gain/lead, and the JCM 800 with drive down for cleans (with a tad of chorus/delay). Was planning on doing the usual of sending a direct feed to the board, and run through the backline cab (1960A) for monitoring - but the soundman insisted on mic'ing the cab instead, and it wasn't big enough deal for me to put up a fuzz and waste precious sound setup time, so we went with that. It sounded great onstage as usual - the clean arpeggios punched through well, the rhythm sat nicely with the rest of the band (other guitarist ran a Triple Rec), and the leads were punchy yet liquid-y. Of course I couldn't hear the FOH, but I was told it sat well in the mix by some of my friends in the audience, so all seems well. :) The FC-300 did a good job for the show, and the small footprint is definitely nice, but I may look into something with more buttons in the future. Come on, MFC-101!

Overall a fantastic show. It wasn't a large venue (250 max, and it was fairly packed), and I've played much bigger venues - but there's just something about that stage that makes the whole experience surreal. As for celebrity sightings - Chevy Chase was in there, and I was told Kat Von D as well. Went to the Rainbow Bar after the show, and Kelly Osbourn was there. :)


Leroy said:
Sweet! I wish I would have gone... I wonder why the sound guy wouldn't go DI? You would think he would have more control. I see keyboard players going DI all the time at the Viper Room. I'm playing my first show with my Ultra at Molly Malones on Feb. 13th. I hope I can go DI!

Keyboards and bass are a little different in that you can't really go wrong with direct. When sound guys hear "direct" and "guitar" in the same sentence, they immediately think Line 6, so I don't totally blame the guy. In the end, it worked fine thru the mic'd cab as well, so no biggie. :)

We'll be driving down to play at the Whisky sometime in March (myspace says Feb, but it's getting moved), so maybe we'll see you then. ;) Good luck with your show!
Pix are up!

Scott - I did recorded the session with the Q3, but unfortunately did not have time to position it properly, so it picked up mostly vocals and drums. :(
Ventanaman said:
I have to ask.

Were you using the power section of the Marshall head or was it just there for looks? :)

Neither, actually - that whole half stack belonged to the venue. When it came time for us to go up, I just threw the rack up top, connected the cab to the rack, and off we went. :)
mikeyen said:
Ventanaman said:
I have to ask.

Were you using the power section of the Marshall head or was it just there for looks? :)

Neither, actually - that whole half stack belonged to the venue. When it came time for us to go up, I just threw the rack up top, connected the cab to the rack, and off we went. :)

Are you running the ART Bridged? If so thats quite a high volume, How did the cab keep up?
sebby123 said:
mikeyen said:
Ventanaman said:
I have to ask.

Were you using the power section of the Marshall head or was it just there for looks? :)

Neither, actually - that whole half stack belonged to the venue. When it came time for us to go up, I just threw the rack up top, connected the cab to the rack, and off we went. :)

Are you running the ART Bridged? If so thats quite a high volume, How did the cab keep up?

Yeah, bridged, and I'm running it at about 3/4 volume. The cab keeps up fine - it's actually about as loud as I used to run my 6505 head, which is pretty bloody loud, thanks to the hard hitting drummer. :lol:
Neither, actually - that whole half stack belonged to the venue. When it came time for us to go up, I just threw the rack up top, connected the cab to the rack, and off we went. :)[/quote]

Are you running the ART Bridged? If so thats quite a high volume, How did the cab keep up?[/quote]

Yeah, bridged, and I'm running it at about 3/4 volume. The cab keeps up fine - it's actually about as loud as I used to run my 6505 head, which is pretty bloody loud, thanks to the hard hitting drummer. :lol:[/quote]

The reason i ask it because my drummer plays damn loud, I think you reccommended the art in another thread, Anyways when i start getting to those volumes and hit a A on my Low E string it starts to clip if i sustain the note no other notes do it, Just that note, I thought it was the delay in my patch starting to feedback, But i dont know what it is. I know they can handle alot of power as i use to run my mark iv on full all the time.
The reason i ask it because my drummer plays damn loud, I think you reccommended the art in another thread, Anyways when i start getting to those volumes and hit a A on my Low E string it starts to clip if i sustain the note no other notes do it, Just that note, I thought it was the delay in my patch starting to feedback, But i dont know what it is. I know they can handle alot of power as i use to run my mark iv on full all the time.

You mean the cab is "farting out" on the A note, or is the amp itself clipping? In either case, it sounds like there're too much bass in the patch - I'd either try to put a low-cut filter in your signal and play with it (take out everything below 100hz, for example), or try to play with the resonance frequency in your model. If you have a bass player, it'll actually help the overall mix to have less bass in the guitar. I do try to keep the bottom end on my guitar reasonable, and haven't had any problems myself.
mikeyen said:
The reason i ask it because my drummer plays damn loud, I think you reccommended the art in another thread, Anyways when i start getting to those volumes and hit a A on my Low E string it starts to clip if i sustain the note no other notes do it, Just that note, I thought it was the delay in my patch starting to feedback, But i dont know what it is. I know they can handle alot of power as i use to run my mark iv on full all the time.

You mean the cab is "farting out" on the A note, or is the amp itself clipping? In either case, it sounds like there're too much bass in the patch - I'd either try to put a low-cut filter in your signal and play with it (take out everything below 100hz, for example), or try to play with the resonance frequency in your model. If you have a bass player, it'll actually help the overall mix to have less bass in the guitar. I do try to keep the bottom end on my guitar reasonable, and haven't had any problems myself.

Ha im a big believer in guitars shouldnt have to much bass, I havent tried the filter block trick but ill try that out tonight, I cant seem to find how to add the envolpe filter to the EQ in the axe-edit though for some reason. Thanks though ill give it a try :D
sebby123 said:
Ha im a big believer in guitars shouldnt have to much bass, I havent tried the filter block trick but ill try that out tonight, I cant seem to find how to add the envolpe filter to the EQ in the axe-edit though for some reason. Thanks though ill give it a try :D

Try putting in a Parametric EQ at the end, set Band 1 to "Blocking," leave the Q as is, and the EQ anywhere from 80-120 hz or so to start. :)
mikeyen said:
sebby123 said:
Ha im a big believer in guitars shouldnt have to much bass, I havent tried the filter block trick but ill try that out tonight, I cant seem to find how to add the envolpe filter to the EQ in the axe-edit though for some reason. Thanks though ill give it a try :D

Try putting in a Parametric EQ at the end, set Band 1 to "Blocking," leave the Q as is, and the EQ anywhere from 80-120 hz or so to start. :)

Already have that :D But its onshelving cutting off some highs and lows, Ill try switching it to blocking. Have only had the axe for 3 days have played with it alot but im only starting to scratch the surface.
jhuggins said:
what kind of copy are you playing? Looks really nice

An Agile LP - these are all the rage a while back. They're solid guitars, and the price is killer. I can't say enough good things about'em, as they make excellent "workhorse" guitars:

My particular one is "AL-3000M CSB Slim Neck", which has a 3/4" maple cap, and a 60's slim neck. Sounded great right out of the box (even with stock pups), and all it needed was a good setup.

sebby123 said:
Are you running the ART Bridged? If so thats quite a high volume, How did the cab keep up?

I almost hate to post the following self-pwn, but as it turned out, I need to RTFM. I had plugged in the banana plugs incorrectly (vertically, instead of horizontally in the case of bridged mode), and as such have been running it at much lower power than I thought. After correcting the mistake, I now only have to run the ART with the volume at noon for shows, leaving a TON of headroom to spare. :D
Thanks for the help got the low end issue all under wraps, I run mine at noon as well which is why i when i saw 3 'clock i was like :shock:
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