Gibson Price Increase

Ben Randolph

Power User
Gibson to Increase Prices, Update Models for 2015 | Reverb

Here I thought $2500 US was overpriced for a Les Paul Standard a few years ago.

Nearly $4000 for a Les Paul Standard? Gibson has completely and blatantly given the middle finger to the working musician and has set their sites squarely on the "blues lawyer" crowd of middle aged men with six figure incomes to spend on expensive toys. I'm glad I have my Gibson, but definitely don't see myself buying another. At this rate, a nice PRS Custom is cheaper and probably features better quality consistency than the Gibson LP Standard.
Increase prices while at the same time reduce quality control. This is how to run a business the punk way. Yeah. Stick it to da consumer!
I hate Henry and Gibson, but I've owned a few businesses over my life. I'd much rather do half the work for triple the pay, it you can get away with it, why not?
That's why you see more Les Pauls hanging on walls under glass than actually being played out. Guess Gibson is trying to break into the Home Decor market.

In that case, I'd still rather buy one of those cheap Chinese knockoffs that look decent than drop $5K on a Gibson to just hang on the wall.. both would probably be about the same quality :lol
Everytime I think I want another LP, maybe gold top or black custom, I realize how it will sit in a case for fear of any cosmetic damage or possible damage at all for a set-neck guitar for the cost of my kidney :( looks like Warmoth will become my final official supplier :)
"My god, this new LP is to die for. Don't you just live that finish? If I catch anybody not using a coaster, you bought it!"

Seriously, if your afraid to play a musical instrument, for fear of damaging it, what's the point. Shit is going to happen. If it happens to a sub $1000 "Meh, it ads character." if it happens to a over $2000 "OMG!WTF!"*goes in corner, cries*.
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Gibson is in the business of making-money making fine guitars. If there are enough people that will buy most/all of their guitars for $4000 then that's apparently what their guitars are "worth". It's too bad the price is going up but that's supply and demand. (This is possibly Gibson's way of getting some of the money back that they were forced to waste paying the "blues lawyers" to defend them against the gov't wood-case in the last couple of years.)
I'm glad I got a good Les Paul Custom before this happened (not that it was cheap). It's sad since Gibson's are such iconic instruments on so many great albums. There's definitely a Gibson sound that's hard to match. I don't blame anyone for hating the current state of the company and taking their business elsewhere. The best place to get a Gibson now will be the used market.
Bummer....I've been a Gibson guy for years.
The price vs. quality is just really far off IMO.

I'm with @GuitarDojo
I've got a bunch of old I'm happy.
Gibbys have always been a love hate relationship for me, even if I had the means "I don't think I would" pay that much for a guitar that is so hit and miss or so difficult to bond with. There is always the exception!
Increase prices
Decrease quality control
Eliminate additional models, finish options, and shove minitune down everyone's throat
What could possibly go wrong?

I love my LP, but it's definitely a one-off model. Haven't seen any new models from them in the last ten years that have remotely piqued my interest. It's all bland, generic, would-look-good-hanging-on-the-wall-in-a-corporate-office shit.
I was a Gibson guy for a good while way back and they were always hit and miss (and the misses were unfortunately the norm rather than the exception), and then I found the best Gibson out there... a Hamer.

Vintage Hamers ('77 to '84) are some of the best guitars for the dollar ever "mass produced". Their prices have gone up, but you can still find one for a lot less than the price of a new Gibby and guaranteed the Hamer will kill the Gibby but good...
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