Getting better sound with the recordings



Well first thing I have no idea what im doing if im dealing with EQs and stuff.
I mostly use the amps and drive, cab etc and some other stuff for more ambient things.

But my recordings dont sound good to me. Well I know that I need to play it cleaner.
I know that It needs and will be better with a good mix of course matching drums and all that but.

I still think It could be better.
I have pretty much done the starting setup with the device in the tutorial like thing
So it should be set up i use active speakers and headphones. For me the manual more explains everything rather than how to get good recordings.

Here is a sound I recorded with the preset "djentlemanly"
I dont know if this is good, seems distant to me.
Notice anything wrong or what could be done? same tone recorded twice panned L+R

Here are a printscreen of the soundfiles:

hope this helps for an analyze. feel free to ask questions I can look up
Or where I can learn more about tweaking sounds
A simple tip for recording guitars is to roll back on distortion for more note clarity, or to mix in a clean signal of the guitar into the distorted one. From the brief clip you posted my ears are telling me that this would be the starting point to improve on. Of course you absolutely MUST have fresh strings on, or some that are not anywhere close to dead sounding...this is a fundamental rule. Besides that it's hard to help without saying worry about getting a really great mix on drums and bass which improves ten-fold the sound of your recorded guitar. Eq-ing and such is something you should worry about after that to make the mix sound good. If it's your guitar sound in general you're dissatisfied with just hop on over to the axechange to download other people's presets to find out what you like, and use that towards creating your own. Assuming you're happy with the right amp then using the right cabinet IR is crucial to finding your tone, amp settings are second in my mind. If you want more control over the cab sound I would suggest look into buying Fractal Audio's IR packs or ones from OwnHammer. You can't go wrong with either, and they are both inexpensive.
Turn off any verb/delay when you're recording and add them through a bus later. If you track multiple guitars all with their own delays, you end up with a lot of phase cancellation and "distant" sounding guitars.
Hi Superman. I have tried this so many times. Your playing sounds good,"but" some day when your project is mixed and ready to be mastered and you start compressing, eq`ing and maximize the wolume, you will hate all that reverb and delay, because you will raise that too and end up in a reverb hell and you will hate yourself for adding all that reverb/delay in your guitar tracks. Try to make your tracks as clean as you can and add the effects later. Just a little hint. Good luck :)
Thanks for the advices guys.
Well in general.

Should I go for "if it sounds good it is good" or might i be doing some general like axe fx usage or recording mistake.
Should the recorded soundfile be smaller or bigger. When i add a compressor it becomes so small.
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