General questions about configuring


I was wondering if someone could walk me through configuring my AxeFX II with my MacBook Pro, ProTools 11 and Logic Pro X?

I have a couple issues/questions about configuring,

  1. How do I properly configure my I/O with OSX? (When listening to system playback from my Mac over the headphones from the AxeFX, I have on occasion noticed that the bit rate will drop considerably and music will sound incredibly distorted)
  2. I can't seem to get the tones I want with the octavizer (I'm looking to do basic octave up, and octave down mixes, but I can't seem to get it configured right)
  3. I'm also having trouble with the tremolo (The speed of the tremolo is what is stumping me, are there any alternative ways to configure this?)
  4. Out 1 Clip is activating a lot on my distorted patches, despite lowering master volume on amps and on the AxeFX
  5. This is more of a ProTools question, but I can't seem to get it to take the Axe-in (USB) and then output over the OSX system out (Headphones) (trying to configure this to combat the bit rate drop when listening to both the simulations from the AxeFX and OSX playback

Please let me know if any of this makes sense, and if you have any advice.

Thank you so much!
1. This is an OS X problem. First of all try raising the USB Buffer size in the Axe-Fx's I/O menu. Also, reports are that with the arrival of OS X Maverick this fall, this problem will disappear.

2. For octave down there are several ways. Try the Pitch Shift, mode: Octave Divider first. For Octave Up, set Pitch Shift to Fixed Harmony, go to the 2nd page and set Voice 1 shift at +12, and turn down vocie 2 level.

3. The rate parameter controls the speed.

4. Don't use Master Volume (MV) to adust preset level. Leave MV at default for now. Use Level in the Amp block to prevent the volume from clipping.
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