Gated Uber

Someone made a gated Uber patch that I downloaded, and I cant remember who it was.
I just wanted to say thank you, it was my main patch last night for band practice and it sounded great.
I think that may be mine?... viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7182

If so, glad to hear it's working for you at a practice volumes. I just dialed it up using KRK RP5's, so I'd be interested to know what you were using to monitor. Also, keep in mind that was made before Cliff changed the depth and presence modeling, so will sound a bit different if you're on the latest firmware (7.18).
i ran it through a ss poweramp into a 4x12 , mainly to see if the poweramp could keep up for band levels,its a small 50 watt amp.Might be only 25 ss watts when using 1 channel, and it barely made the cut, will need to upgrade soon.
Cool. So, I guess you bypassed the cab sim? I don't gig much lately, so I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to run it live. I'm pretty much settled on a full-range monitor now....just figuring out which one.
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