Gapless reverb switching help

I wish you had played to demonstrate the issue.

Are you sure it isn't a different block's channel change causing a gap?

You could also attach the preset.
Have you tried putting the always on Reverb in a parallel path above the dry signal, similar to the big reverb on the bottom? Without hearing it, it's hard to know what type of gap, but there is quite a difference between the Mix levels of the two Reverbs which could be why you're experiencing the issue. Using parallel paths with both you would set their Mix value at 100% and use the Input Gain to get the amount of reverb you want. You would also want to set both Reverb blocks bypass mode to 'Mute'.
@Joker Different mix settings won't matter because one of the two is parallel at mix 100%
The non parallel reverb has its bypass mode set to "Mute FX In" which is "correct" and the same as running it in parallel.
sorry for not playing during the video. I did however figure out the gap! it was actually the channel changing on the pre-amp compressor block... Since I only use a different mix amount for that I just assigned a scene controller to the mix knob and set all the scenes to use channel A on the Comp block and now there is no gap. I can run the reverb in series now and just bypass the alway on reverb and replace it with the ambient one and still no gap!

However this leads me to a quick additional question. My CPU is hovering between 78%-81.5%... I'm not getting any warning messages but I am definitely at the peak. Is there any risk to the units components operating at this % long term? I'm running cabs on normal. Reverb "quality" settings don't seem to affect the FM9. Any other tricks to trim CPU with out taking anything away?
sorry for not playing during the video. I did however figure out the gap! it was actually the channel changing on the pre-amp compressor block... Since I only use a different mix amount for that I just assigned a scene controller to the mix knob and set all the scenes to use channel A on the Comp block and now there is no gap. I can run the reverb in series now and just bypass the alway on reverb and replace it with the ambient one and still no gap!

However this leads me to a quick additional question. My CPU is hovering between 78%-81.5%... I'm not getting any warning messages but I am definitely at the peak. Is there any risk to the units components operating at this % long term? I'm running cabs on normal. Reverb "quality" settings don't seem to affect the FM9. Any other tricks to trim CPU with out taking anything away?
I run mine slightly higher and do not have issues. I'm at 83% or so if memory serves. I say if it runs good for you then cool. No internal damage being done that I am aware of.
@Joker Different mix settings won't matter because one of the two is parallel at mix 100%
The non parallel reverb has its bypass mode set to "Mute FX In" which is "correct" and the same as running it in parallel.
My bad, misremembering a few things lately. Thanks for the clarification.
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