Gapless presets such a blessing


With Gapless presets I've been able to completely reprogram my FM3 with 3 main gigging presets and a few scenes on each for variations. Before I had to use scenes within one preset to minimise the gap while changing within a song, and it was very limiting and somewhat compromised the tone I was after.

It's so nice and simple to have useable separate presets for clean, edge, and crunch, and to kick on a drive, delay or chorus as needed. With the presets spread out it also took away some CPU limits my previous kitchen sink prsets were pushing against.
Still waiting to pass 2 gigs before making the jump to FW8 but this is effectively the opportunity to evolve in the choice of managing between presets and scenes or a combination of both.
Still waiting to pass 2 gigs before making the jump to FW8 but this is effectively the opportunity to evolve in the choice of managing between presets and scenes or a combination of both.
Yes I’ve got a long break until the next gig so bit the bullet. It seems to all work well just need to remember that preset changes on switch release so a quick tap and release needed.
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