Gallien Krueger Midi Switching


After a fair bit of searching for a solution, I found this little Polish company called EM Custom online, and I had them make me a little box that allows MIDI to operate the 5-pin Din foot switch cable on the Gallien Krueger 2001RB. They shipped it all the way to Canada for me, and I'm really impressed with the quality and compatability. Before this, I couldn't find anythign that worked. This thing works great, didn't cost too much, and it's much smaller and easy to carry around than one of those universal switchers with multiple different inputs. I love this thing! Highly recomend!

I'm using it with my FM9 for amp switching.

In case anyone cares, the defult values for this amp are as follows:
Channel A with tweeter = PC 1, 2 + CC 1, 82, 2
Channel A without tweeter = PC 1, 2
Channel B = PC 1, 1

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