FX8 setup with 2 amp and 2 powered cabinets


New Member
I want to play thru my amp dry and add effects left and right to 2 powered speakers...
Is there any problem using the post outs of the FX8 to the powered speakers?
guitar to input/pre FX8
FX8 out/pre mono to input amp
amp send to FX8 input/post
FX8 out left and right /post to inputs of speaker cabs
anyone have experience playing like this?
thank you
hey jazbo :D

what specific powered speakers are they? clr? the only issue i can think of is that those powered speakers won't have the "effect of a guitar cabinet" - similar to not having a Cab block in the Axe.

as far as hooking it up, no issue, so definitely something to try, but it would be like plugging the Loop out of any amp straight to a PA system - assuming those speakers are full-range types.
I want to play thru my amp dry and add effects left and right to 2 powered speakers...
Is there any problem using the post outs of the FX8 to the powered speakers?
guitar to input/pre FX8
FX8 out/pre mono to input amp
amp send to FX8 input/post
FX8 out left and right /post to inputs of speaker cabs
anyone have experience playing like this?
thank you
Thanks Chris
One amp , 2 clr speakers....
Just efx out of the clrʻs....
I’d say give it a try :D i used an FX8 direct to a PA system when testing it before, i just had to add a "volume knob" using midi and it was great for acoustic. this is pretty similar, again just worried about any "guitar cab for tone" necessities.
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