FX8 after 10 days of ownership

I went from pedals to the FX8 about 10 days ago.

Before I had:

BS2 Buffer > Volume pedal > BJFE PGC > Tees Wah > Clusterfuzz > BJFE Honeybee > Buffalo Fx Evo > BJFE BPB > Effectrode Tubevibe > Foxrox TZF (original) stereo Out 1 - DMM > Strymon Dig > Ditto X2 > amp 1.
Stereo Out 2 (from TZF) Disaster Transport Sr > Strymon Dig > Ditto X2 > amp 2.

Now I have the FX8 with two expression pedals.

I have kept my treasured BJFEs (Honeybee, PGC, BPB) and vintage DMM (just in case!) and sold the rest.

I could not be happier. There are pros and cons to the two systems but I am completely astounded by the sounds and usability of the Fx8. It is of course different from my pedals in many ways (nothing else could sound like a Foxrox TZF!) but the pros dramatically outweigh the cons.

My board is a fraction of its former size and silent. I have so many sounds available and it is far easier to use than the massive array of pedals.

I have of course saved some badly needed cash as well. This partly inspired the move as I spent far to much on a LP Goldtop and BK Nantucket p90s to go in it (stonking guitar!). But I really wasn't sure and didn't start selling my pedals until I spent many hours on it with my amps.

I am also finding FX8 really inspiring. I am such a cork sniffer when it comes to tones and I have had many hundreds of pedals over the years including most of the ones availabe from the likes of Cornish and Toneczar, but I think getting the FX8 was the best thing I have ever done. Maybe my feelings will change in time but I very, very much doubt it.
The inspiration from pieces of gear like the FX8 help us to continue to play longer hours. Making us better players and musicians.
I sold off my big board right away too. I have a small board I was going to keep but now I'm wondering why...it's just sitting in the corner as the FX8 is super inspiring and fun to play!
I to sold all my pedals except my Zendrive because it has sentimental value to me and I had all the Strymon Mobius, Big Sky, Timeline pedals which were all FANTASTIC pedals but were not very user friendly for what I was doing so I sold them and I was able to fund my FX8 which was the best decision I have made. It is a permanent piece in my gear! Thanks Fractal for making such top notch gear
I to sold all my pedals except my Zendrive because it has sentimental value to me and I had all the Strymon Mobius, Big Sky, Timeline pedals which were all FANTASTIC pedals but were not very user friendly for what I was doing so I sold them and I was able to fund my FX8 which was the best decision I have made. It is a permanent piece in my gear! Thanks Fractal for making such top notch gear
I've not sold my zendrive either!!!!!

Do you guys feel that the FAS products (FX8, AX8, AFXII) compare closely to the real deal ZenDrive? The ZenDrive is my go-to drive pedal when building presets, was just curious what your guys' take is with having the actual pedals. I'm a John Mayer fan so that was my original "gravity" towards that pedal when I began my FAS journey. Hashtag #DidYouSeeWhatIDidThere?
Do you guys feel that the FAS products (FX8, AX8, AFXII) compare closely to the real deal ZenDrive? The ZenDrive is my go-to drive pedal when building presets, was just curious what your guys' take is with having the actual pedals. I'm a John Mayer fan so that was my original "gravity" towards that pedal when I began my FAS journey. Hashtag #DidYouSeeWhatIDidThere?
I've only owned my FX8 for a few months, so i've not messed with the drives that much. With only 10 mins messing with the Zenmaster, I couldn't get it to sound like my zendrive,some on this forum have, so I have no doubt that it can get quite close. I bought my Zendrive when they were still sold in Florida. I don't know if the new ones are exactly the same or not? But Mine definitely sounds great on the fat channel of the mesa boogie Mark V.
I've only owned my FX8 for a few months, so i've not messed with the drives that much. With only 10 mins messing with the Zenmaster, I couldn't get it to sound like my zendrive,some on this forum have, so I have no doubt that it can get quite close. I bought my Zendrive when they were still sold in Florida. I don't know if the new ones are exactly the same or not? But Mine definitely sounds great on the fat channel of the mesa boogie Mark V.
Like the GRAVITY comment too..
I went from pedals to the FX8 about 10 days ago.

Before I had:

BS2 Buffer > Volume pedal > BJFE PGC > Tees Wah > Clusterfuzz > BJFE Honeybee > Buffalo Fx Evo > BJFE BPB > Effectrode Tubevibe > Foxrox TZF (original) stereo Out 1 - DMM > Strymon Dig > Ditto X2 > amp 1.
Stereo Out 2 (from TZF) Disaster Transport Sr > Strymon Dig > Ditto X2 > amp 2.

Now I have the FX8 with two expression pedals.

I have kept my treasured BJFEs (Honeybee, PGC, BPB) and vintage DMM (just in case!) and sold the rest.

I could not be happier. There are pros and cons to the two systems but I am completely astounded by the sounds and usability of the Fx8. It is of course different from my pedals in many ways (nothing else could sound like a Foxrox TZF!) but the pros dramatically outweigh the cons.

My board is a fraction of its former size and silent. I have so many sounds available and it is far easier to use than the massive array of pedals.

I have of course saved some badly needed cash as well. This partly inspired the move as I spent far to much on a LP Goldtop and BK Nantucket p90s to go in it (stonking guitar!). But I really wasn't sure and didn't start selling my pedals until I spent many hours on it with my amps.

I am also finding FX8 really inspiring. I am such a cork sniffer when it comes to tones and I have had many hundreds of pedals over the years including most of the ones availabe from the likes of Cornish and Toneczar, but I think getting the FX8 was the best thing I have ever done. Maybe my feelings will change in time but I very, very much doubt it.

I had the exact same experience. I have not bought a pedal since I got the FX8. Now you can focus on effect dynamics, and unlock entirely new possibilities, you have a lot of fun ahead good luck!!.
I had the exact same experience. I have not bought a pedal since I got the FX8. Now you can focus on effect dynamics, and unlock entirely new possibilities, you have a lot of fun ahead good luck!!.

What do you mean by effect dynamics?
What do you mean by effect dynamics?

As in, focusing on modifiers and controlling things like mix levels, feedback control of delays, speed changes in phasers.. Basically using modifiers to make your effects stand out better, usually using expression pedals, etc. I have some great feedback swells that I used to do by bending down and ramping up the delay feedback, to critical mass. Now they are nicely controlled, linked, with perfect modifier curves so they swell in perfectly. Impossible to achieve this exact control before. I now how such amazing control of that particular effect's dynamics. Once you start to link multiple modifiers from different FX to the same control, you start to see what is possible, and it's a glorious moment :)
And with the same basic form and function. It's far simpler and more straightforward to implement and use than even something like the FM9.

Simpler is better.
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