Furman AC-215A Power Conditioner


Fractal Fanatic
Heads-up, @DaveO...

Am resurrecting your post regards the Furman AC-215A...this one...


Your FX board inspired me to upgrade my homemade AC circuit box (its electrical wiring/tape integrity has degraded over the summer) to the Furman AC-215A.

If possible, tell me, how did you attach the AC-215A to your Temple board? I see that there are included attachment brackets, but I've not looked into the wrapped bag that contains them yet. How "easy" was it to install the Furman?

The left underside of my Duo 34 is already well-populated with 2 stand-in switches and an EV-1. Might it be possible to position the AC-215A between my stand-in switches? (Will need to estimate distance and measure first, am sure about that).

Will need to disassemble the AC circuit box first. Could use some mojo here...
Hi @bleujazz3 no worries here, I think you’d be happy putting the Furman PSU on your board for obvious reasons. The unit came with some mounting brackets that I hammered out and drilled out holes in to accommodate the board, it was not to difficult but was time consuming to get it snug in the upper center. Well worth the effort imo to have that kind of line power filtering right in my board. Let me see if I can dig up some close up pics for u.

I've been mulling over several choices...use a Philips flat head machine screw with 2 locking washers and nut for each bracket if the L-brackets are flush with the AC-215A, or Philips round head machine screws, same configuration if the L-brackets face away from the PSU. My concern might be that the flat heads can't be accessed to be tightened, whereas the round heads can.

Gotta ask, did you save the knurled bracket screws and use those to attach the brackets along with separate screws and washers? Or did you choose a separate avenue?

I hit a snag this evening while searching for machine screws...no gots. Plenty of M3.5 x 0.6 16mm screws. No associated nuts. Trip to the local hardware store tomorrow mid-afternoon will be the ticket. Will bring an M3.5 with me for reference.

Am hoping to position the PSU about 2 perf holes from the top (far side) and run pedal, stand-in switch, and instrument cable behind the PSU. I think I can use zip ties to secure the cable each side of the PSU. I was worried that I might not make a good decision positioning the cable, but a dry-run positioning looks promising.

Will be scrapping my Altoids box which normally would contain a variety of picks. The Altoids box just didn't look good among my EV-1 and StroboStomp, so it's off the board this evening. The homemade circuit box is also off the board, and I spent a good portion of the evening after dinner re-positioning cable with zip ties to allow for the PSU. The Temple Audio IEC switch will serve as the on/off and the PSU itself will remain always on to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on cables from lifting or tipping.

Sorry to say, I didn't eat my Wheaties this morning, so am heading to bed rather than stick it out on adrenaline. The fun and games can wait until another day. I left the FX board up on a work surface where I can get to it first thing tomorrow afternoon.

It may be dinner time Monday until all is said and done. I'll try to take some images of the important facets of installation and print up an associated report of how things proceeded.

See you in the AM.
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