Fun Tone Sample and quick questions (MAC, USB, pups)

Hi all

First off, here is a quick tone sample for you

Keep in mind it is an Ibanez RG7620 with a single Dimarzio DActivator 7 in the bridge, coil tapped to masquerade as something subtle. That's why it sounds like it's popping.

Anyways, on to my question. I jam/record with my Axe FXII MKI through USB into my 2011 Macbook Air Running OSX 10.8.2.
After a few takes or some time spent recording the sound coming out of Garageband (through the AXFXII) starts to sound like if it was running through some bit crusher. It sounds like it is saturated, with a lot of spikes, very harsh. Definitely impossible to keep recording. I have to reset, start all over.

I'm wondering if this is due to a limitation of Garageband (some I/O sample thing) and maybe I should just use Reaper, or maybe it is an issue with the current firmware?

ALso, related to my tone sample, couldn't we in theory put an EQ or a TM block right after the guitar to change the ''character'' of our pickups? Has this been done? So I could make my guitar sound like a strat. Kind of like a Variax but without the paraphernalia.

Lastly, just a comment. I'm really curious about trying out a Kemper but that's just because I love guitars, good tone and technology. But I often here that the AXFXII is for ''tweakers'' and that the Kemper is for those that want an easy, good sound.
I don't get it, almost EVERY SETTING on my AXFXII sounds phenomenal. Sure, I could tweak, but it sounds so good!

For me a Line 6 device is a tweaker device because the good sounds are hidden.
With this AXFXII I'm so spoiled, I don't even EQ, I just switch amps!! It is a terrible habit but it sounds so good all the time.
Zero tweaking, tons of playing.
Thanks for your help!
About the recording issues, there have been alot of posts from other members having issues with this as well. The solutions have been different for many, everything from dodgy USB cables to driver issues. I think in your case it might be a sample-rate issue. I don't use Garageband myself, but as far as I've read it's fixed at 44.1K sample-rate, and the Axe is fixed at 48k via USB, which will cause issues for you. Here are a couple threads you can check out:

The EQ/TM suggestion for matching different pups have also been speculated upon several times over the years, you'll find a lot of threads on the topic with a quick search :)
I, too, had some troubles when running USB on my Mac in Logic Pro 9. It wasn't always consistent, but it did crackle and cut out. I eventually just gave up on it and am now happily running Spdif in. It sounds like the Spdif in on my Axe II is not functioning, so I'm eventually sending it in when I get done dry tracking everything for the album to get it fixed.

My advice? Just go spdif if you can do so with an interface. Since doing so, I've had perfect sound and not a single error. Much happier.
thanks for the replies guy! I'll take a look at the previous threads to see if one of the approaches solves my problem.
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