FS buttons stop working


Perhaps this has been covered elsewhere, but here it is anyway.... I've been using my FM9 with my band since I got it 4 months ago. I love it. After a somewhat steep learning curve, I got it down to the point where I haven't needed to change anything for awhile. I was playing with my band today and about half way through a 3 hr session, the bottom row of FS stopped doing anything. I tried switching patches - nothing. So I shut it down/rebooted it and it was fine after that. Do any of you guys have any perspective on this sort of hiccup? I'd hate to have that happen at a live show, but far from the end of the world at band practice. Thanks in advance.

Perhaps this has been covered elsewhere, but here it is anyway.... I've been using my FM9 with my band since I got it 4 months ago. I love it. After a somewhat steep learning curve, I got it down to the point where I haven't needed to change anything for awhile. I was playing with my band today and about half way through a 3 hr session, the bottom row of FS stopped doing anything. I tried switching patches - nothing. So I shut it down/rebooted it and it was fine after that. Do any of you guys have any perspective on this sort of hiccup? I'd hate to have that happen at a live show, but far from the end of the world at band practice. Thanks in advance.

There might have been a brief power interruption...power line surge, etc, that might have triggered this. Sorry to hear of your issue, happy it wasn't permanent...(sorry for the misdirected pun...)
Various ghosts in the FM9 machine.
Today, I had an audio routing problem with mine. Was working fine yesterday and today, powered on and no signal coming from Out 1 and 3 and only distorted sound from out 2. Reboot fixed it.....this time.
Fractal needs to sort these random bugs that people keep mentioning with this betaware.
It's beta... These sorts of issues come with the territory.

I'm sure the next release we see is going to be a massive one.
I know it’s beta…. That’s why i said “beta” in my post. People that bought the FM9 would like to feel confident that it won’t lock up or have other issues at an awkward moment.
Just because no more FM9s can be sold atm, due to supply chain issues, shouldn’t mean those on the market already should have to continue being subject to repeated issues. We dont need a “massive” update, just bug fixes.
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