Fryette LX2 keeps blowing the fuse as soon as power is turned on


New Member
Hi there! I have a problem with my Fryette LX2 amp. It died mid playing at my home. It was in the bridge mono mode connected to a 16ohm 412 cab. I checked the fuse on the back and it was burned out. I swapped it with a new one , switched the power button on, and it immediately died again. I thought, maybe its the tube,.. so I changed all 4 to a new set that I had for backup, turned the power on again, and the same thing happened,... I even tried turning it on with all power tubes removed… still no luck. what could be the problem here? The amp was originally purchased 14.07.2023. on in EU, by an acquaintance, and he sold it to me a week ago. It was playing fine till this moment. I’m not sure what to do. No amp tech in my vicinity that I would trust with this.

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