Frustrated with my Atomic CLR wedge


I have read all the threads I could find. My AXE FX 3 sounds AMAZING through my Adams studio monitors, but sounds way too midrangey through the Atomic.

What could I be missing?
I have the a7x’s and a clr wedge. The CLR sounds different based on the voicing and how you have it staged. I use the “FF’ setting and use it elevated on a chair facing towards me. I am going IEM soon though. I never liked it on the floor at any voicing. Sub setting is off. Also make sure the gain structure is correct. I set mine up to where it clipped then backed it off using my FM9 as the output/volume control.
I take it you have 1 CLR? Does your preset have stereo effects? Could be just the fact the sound is collapsed into mono going to the CLR, or how it is being collapsed to mono. There could also be phase issues going to mono. You could also try building a preset on the CLR & then go to the Adams.
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I take it you have 1 CLR? Does your preset have stereo effects? Could be just the fact the sound is collapsed into mono going to the CLR, or how it is being collated to mono. There could also be phase issues going to mono. You could also try building a preset on the CLR & then go to the Adams.
I do have one CLR
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