Friedman HBE test on 12.04b


I was screwing around with the 12.04 beta firmware tonight and figured I'd post a quick clip since it seems we're all probably too busy playing to post clips. IMHO, this firmware sounds and feels absolutely fantastic...this is definitely way more than a minor update!

I must preface this by saying that this was merely a test to listen to the effect of more extreme settings and not an attempt to get a "good" sound, so take it for what it's worth...just a quick experiment. No reamping, no scientific measurements, and apparently no idea why my wife can't stand this noise. :lol While I wouldn't actually use these settings, I am impressed by how the amp model holds up when pushed hard.

These 3 clips were done with the #24 Friedman HBE factory preset with all effects turned off....bone dry as follows:

Clip 1 - Factory Settings

Clip 2 - Master and Low Res cranked to 10

Clip 3 - Master and Low Res cranked to 10, with Input Drive backed off to a more reasonable level

Now back to rediscovering the other amps in the box and actually trying to make some "good" sounds. Mind officially blown... :shock
The low-end definitely seems a lot tighter and easier to control across all of the amp models. I've always struggled to get a full sounding low-end without everything getting messy, but it now seems to require a whole lot less knob-twisting. Great work as always, Cliff. :encouragement:
I love how the second clip to my ears really sounds like the amp is about explode. That's how I imagine that amp to really sound on 10.
Mitch where are you running the MV exactly and Drive on the last clip? I messed with these settings last night and was able to run solo setting as high as 7.07 on the MV.
Mitch where are you running the MV exactly and Drive on the last clip? I messed with these settings last night and was able to run solo setting as high as 7.07 on the MV.
On the last clip, MV was all the way to 10, but I don't recall exactly what I backed the input drive down to. I'm guessing it was about half the value of the factory preset, so maybe in the 3 to 4 range?
I love how the second clip to my ears really sounds like the amp is about explode. That's how I imagine that amp to really sound on 10.
That's precisely what I love about this. Usable or not, I feel like I'm getting to hear things up close that would result in destroyed amps and massive hearing damage in the real world. The sizzle is fantastic.
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