Fractal FM3 Newbie

Hi guys, just wanted to say hi! I have just ordered the FM3 Mkii Turbo today, getting it on Saturday, can’t wait to try it with my new PRS CE24. I will mostly be using it the house, hobbyist recording etc! I see there is a course on it and I’m wondeing if anyone has done it and recommends it, I definitely want to do a course to learn wbout it straight away.

If you mean the @Cooper Carter course, it is brilliant and worth doing. There is also some excellent content on YouTube from many, incuding @2112

I made a playlist on YouTube, and filled it up with all sorts of tips and tricks ...

Enjoy! :)
Thanks Doogz, yea I meant the Carter course, I will be getting this straight away as I want to get to know it and make my own presets. Is the 2112 your own channel? I’ll check it out then, appreciated. I have seen a few videos but I like to learn in some sort of order if you know what I mean
A course would help you progress faster. It will take some time to get through the learning curve either way. What will you be using to amplify your FM3? If running full range speakers or phones, it might take some time to adjust to the FRFR sound. It’s important to use good quality speakers or phones. Don’t throw away cash on sub par speakers. I say this because I run full range speakers and phones and kind of hated it for a bit.
Thanks Doogz, yea I meant the Carter course, I will be getting this straight away as I want to get to know it and make my own presets. Is the 2112 your own channel? I’ll check it out then, appreciated. I have seen a few videos but I like to learn in some sort of order if you know what I mean
2112 is Leon Todd-great player and very helpful. I would do BOTH!
A course would help you progress faster. It will take some time to get through the learning curve either way. What will you be using to amplify your FM3? If running full range speakers or phones, it might take some time to adjust to the FRFR sound. It’s important to use good quality speakers or phones. Don’t throw away cash on sub par speakers. I say this because I run full range speakers and phones and kind of hated it for a bit.
Hi Skolacki, I will definitely need the course and realise how deep it will go and time it will take, I’m happy to take my time and learn as I go. I will mostly be monitoring through my Austrian Audio H65 headphones. I dont have monitor speakers unfortunately but occasionally I hook up my interface to my main hifi which has KEF SL50 speakers. I have a fender champ 5 watt amp which I would like to plug into sometimes and disable the amp and cab in FM3 if possible. When I get my studio built I will be getting monitor speakers and probably a speaker like the headrush one, I had one with Helix and it was pretty good but too loud for my house.
Heh 2112 is not me ... that is Leon Todd - a local legend in these parts!

There is a bit to learn, and it can take some time to get your head around some of the concepts(I'd suggest concentrating on how Presets, Scenes, Blocks and Channels work). Once you do though you'll love it. I read the manual countless times before my unit turned up (and borrowed one from a mate for a while), so I had a slightly warm start.

Here are a few of my MVP videos from my playlist (of other people's content!), and there are plenty of folks around here that will help you.

Most (Fractal) concepts are easily transferrable between the FM3, the FM9 and the Axe FX 3. Also, all units are very sensetive to the guitar you use and the listening method (eg headphones, monitor speakers, PA system, guitar amp). It is very important to set the unit up correctly for your usage method, so check out the FM9 basics. A setup for a PA or monitor speakers will be quite different to plugging the FM3 into the front of your amp.
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Heh 2112 is not me ... that is Leon Todd - a local legend in these parts!

There is a bit to learn, and it can take some time to get your head around some of the concepts(I'd suggest concentrating on how Presets, Scenes, Blocks and Chanels work). Once you do though you'll love it. I read the manual countless times before my unit turned up (and borrowed one from a mate for a while), so I had a slightly warm start.

Here are a few of my MVP videos from my playlist (of other people's content!), and there are plenty of folks around here that will help you.

Most (Fractal) concepts are easily transferrable between the FM3, the FM9 and the Axe FX 3. Also, all units are very sensetive to the guitar you use and the listening method (eg headphones, monitor speakers, PA system, guitar amp). It is very important to set the unit up correctly for your usage method, so check out the FM9 basics. A setup for a PA or monitor speakers will be quite different to plugging the FM3 into the front of your amp.

Brilliant , thanks, never seen this post until after ai relied to other one. Thats great, hopefully I’ll get a lot out of these videos, seems to be some good stuff in there! I see what you mean about your playlist, I thought you had done a playlist of tutorials you had created. Many thanks for this
Brilliant , thanks, never seen this post until after ai relied to other one. Thats great, hopefully I’ll get a lot out of these videos, seems to be some good stuff in there! I see what you mean about your playlist, I thought you had done a playlist of tutorials you had created. Many thanks for this

No worries!

Here is another good one that explains Presets, Scenes, Channels, etc...

I've got the second generation fm3, not a turbo, but the one with the head phone jack, I'm a poor relation to you guys but I did get my fm3 at a bargain price, plus I love it so much that I haven't been tempted to upgrade yet. I don't know ow what I would do with an fm9 or Axe 3, probably be paralysed lol.

You need some time on the unit. The courses are helpful, I would argue possibly more helpful after you become familiar yourself through trial and error. Easiest option is to just ask questions on here. Like all these modelers once you have an overview as to how to go about doing stuff, then you can get a bit more into detail.
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