Fractal Audio welcomes John Petrucci

Tom King

Fractal Audio welcomes John Petrucci to the roster artists using the Axe-Fx.

John is best known as the guitarist and founding member of the band Dream Theater. He is also the band's producer and main lyricist as well as an original member of the acclaimed Liquid Tension Experiment with Tony Levin. John is also a solo artist and a long standing veteran of Joe Satriani's prestigious G3 tours along with Steve Vai, Eric Johnson, Paul Gilbert, and others.

We met John last summer when Dream Theater and Zappa Plays Zappa toured together under the ProgNation banner. As was scooped here in a "sightings" thread, John added an Axe-Fx Ultra to his stage rig and his backstage rig for Dream Theater's South American tour earlier this year. We've worked closely together both in person and virtually, using Axe-Edit.

John told us, “The Axe-Fx has completely and forever changed the way I look at guitar processing. This box does an incredible number of things astonishingly well.”

Hmmm... Just like you, John :)

Learn more at and
Awesome for Fractal and John :D

I saw him a while back in Adelaide in a G3 tour with Satriani and Vai, and I'll probably get flamed for this, but I thought his tone smoked the others (just my personal preference of course; they're all rather good players with their own sculpted tones :shock: ). I can't wait to hear what he'll do with an Axe-FX!
Woah . . . .

. . Dude . . . .

. . . that should give the nay-sayers something to chew on.

Congrat's to all !!
Killer news!

So is he planning on using AxeFx's drives, amps etc in the future?
From another thread I figured he uses only FXs from AxeFX in combination with Mark Vs.
Welcome! This is awesome indeed.

I knew it was only a matter of time before he would pop up under the Artist section! CONGRATS FRACTAL AUDIO!

By the way, the Fractal Audio/Atomic Amps website is looking AWESOME! Good job guys!
I thought the same thing, matter of time before Petrucci hoped on board. Could you imagine him going from his huge racks of gear behind him to one or two axe-fx..
Nice roster and web update...

typo alert said:
Our online forum is a thriving community where friends, fans, and even the occaisional rockstar gather to discuss all things Fractal and Atomic.
So cool. Well done John for seeing the light and congrats Cliff/Fractal et al!

Patch please! :lol: :lol: :lol:
wow, that's a huge dose of pro approval for Fractal, run for cover the masses are coming over the horizon! lol. Congrats guys, you deserve it.
Cliff has mentioned in the past that they do not "endorse" artists... but what does an artist "get" for being a part of the "Roster of Artists using the Fractal Audio Axe-Fx"?

Most other companies give their "artists" a significant discount on their equipment... if you're a "big time artist" they just give you their equipment whether they want it or not.
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