Fractal Amp - Marshall Major Go Fund Me


Has anyone ever suggested the idea for a Go Fund Me for an amp some of us are wishing for? I’d throw in a fair bit for a Marshall Major. I know where to get one, perfectly suited/modded to Blackmore but still able to get stock tones. It could go through Fractal/Cliff in case anyone is worried about scamming. Just throwing it out there for the people who want a Marshall Major.
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Schematic is not a problem. It’s just if Cliff is willing and has the time.
^ This could come off wrong...

Do you mean you already have a schematic?
As Cliff is asking for them, I think it means he is willing but doesn't have the time or motivation to do it himself. He probably has more than enough work on an amp as is. A difference may be when a big name artist asks for it, or if he really wants it himself.

I'm all for Blackmore sounds/amps and am ATM not aware if great ones are out there (been away a while). I suspect guys like austinbuddy can make this or have already done so.

When I was still 16, figuring out schematics would be a project I'd love, but after a certain age it's not necessarily that appealing anymore. So besides Go Fund Me, there should be a group of people loving to figure this out. I know these are out there for pedals — maybe for amps too.

I'm also sure Cliff has endless access to amps from people willing to send them in, so what may get precedence is when it has schematics and is different enough (I suspect not many are — even years ago — seeing what we already have).
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I'm pretty sure Cliff already has the schematic and acquired a Marshall Major, but it was a dud or something... This was at least a couple years back, I think.
Has anyone ever suggested the idea for a Go Fund Me for an amp we’re all wishing for? I’d throw in a fair bit for a Marshall Major. I know where to get one, perfectly suited/modded to Blackmore but still able to get stock tones. It could go through Fractal/Cliff in case anyone is worried about scamming. Just throwing it out there for the people who want a Marshall Major.
I would much rather have the Marshall JMP 2203 or a Mesa Mark III Coliseum. Just 2 cents.
While I’d be happy if Marshall Major model is added (after my fav Japanese guitarist Shima Norifumi @ Concerto Moon), generally speaking I’m reluctant to create a situation where money affects FAS’s decision on R&D.
I believe it’s Cliff’s motivation that accounts for excellence of FAS products, and I fear that situation affect his motivation. Money can’t buy Cliff.
I had a ‘73 Marshall Major back in the ‘80’s. Blew a 4x12 cab while playing, of all things... Highway Star. Ridiculously powerful amp... clean headroom for days. I did molest it with a master, otherwise I couldn’t really use it. It sounded great after the mod, but I sold it in the early ‘90’s... as it was just so powerful. Marshall only made I believe about 1,400-1,700 of them. Kinda wish I still had it... they going for like $4000 now.
I requested it in the wish list a while ago. Who knows... maybe we’ll see it one day.
I have one on my shelf - 1967 with 8 inputs - also know as Marshall Major PA) , needs some capacitors. Got plenty of other repairs here, someday I'll work on it.......


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^ This could come off wrong...

Do you mean you already have a schematic?
As Cliff is asking for them, I think it means he is willing but doesn't have the time or motivation to do it himself. He probably has more than enough work on an amp as is. A difference may be when a big name artist asks for it, or if he really wants it himself.

I'm all for Blackmore sounds/amps and am ATM not aware if great ones are out there (been away a while). I suspect guys like austinbuddy can make this or have already done so.

When I was still 16, figuring out schematics would be a project I'd love, but after a certain age it's not necessarily that appealing anymore. So besides Go Fund Me, there should be a group of people loving to figure this out. I know these are out there for pedals — maybe for amps too.

I'm also sure Cliff has endless access to amps from people willing to send them in, so what may get precedence is when it has schematics and is different enough (I suspect not many are — even years ago — seeing what we already have).
“This could come off wrong.”


A corrected schematic is readily available. The Blackmore mod is out there too. If enough of us are interested I can make it happen.

It would be nice if we’d let Cliff speak for himself.
“This could come off wrong.”

I don't think you meant it that way, but it can be read as, "Cliff should figure out the schematic, or I find him pretty unwilling..." ;) (which is why I asked if you had the schematics)
People are quick to project worst case scenario into anything someone says, and sometimes that includes me... ;)

It would be nice if we’d let Cliff speak for himself.
It would, but then you should somehow address him directly. They told me the same thing a few days ago, and in a way they were right, as I got a whole Cancel Culture crowd over me...

Anyway, I've seen this kind of proposal many times since 2007 or so, and the usual reply is more or less what I told you.

Also, in the wiki you can read how so many amps are essentially the same, except for a small tweak. Just using the EQ tools and such, you can have that amp.

We may have a better chance when Richie has left this plane...
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