Footswitches not following Preset Changes via Value Knob or FM9-Edit


Using FM9's factory layout:

I was working to get my FM9 to communicate with Ableton Live for automated Preset and Scene changes via USB, and somehow broke the FM9's internal communication link with the footswitches in the Preset layout. The Preset switches do not reflect the FM9's screen when changing presets via FM9-Edit, the Value Knob on the unit, or via external MIDI triggers in Ableton.

If I manually click over to the Scenes layout on the FM9 the footswitches will always match what the FM9's screen display is showing for the selected Preset. It's only the Preset layout that doesn't change.

Does anyone know how to fix this?
Are you changing presets to another one within the same (FM9) bank or outside the bank?

I'm not sure the Preset layout follows preset changes done from somewhere else.

Try changing to a preset in the same bank. I assume the LED ring for that preset will go on to indicate that it is selected?
Are you changing presets to another one within the same (FM9) bank or outside the bank?

I'm not sure the Preset layout follows preset changes done from somewhere else.

Try changing to a preset in the same bank. I assume the LED ring for that preset will go on to indicate that it is selected?
Still doesn't follow the screen when in the same bank. I manually banked down to Bank 1, and selected Preset 4 using the foot switch, which took the unit to the proper Preset (screen matched to confirm). However, when using the Value Knob to scroll down to Preset 3 the unit changed to the appropriate Preset but the foot switch did not change with it.

Thanks for the suggestion. Back to the drawing board.
Still doesn't follow the screen when in the same bank. I manually banked down to Bank 1, and selected Preset 4 using the foot switch, which took the unit to the proper Preset (screen matched to confirm). However, when using the Value Knob to scroll down to Preset 3 the unit changed to the appropriate Preset but the foot switch did not change with it.

Thanks for the suggestion. Back to the drawing board.
I will see what happens on mine later. I'm not aware of any setting that would affect that.
As always, quit FM9-Edit; reboot your FM9 by powering it down, waiting 5 seconds and powering back on. Re-open FM9-Edit.
(Disclaimer: Not a computer support tech. Just happens to work more often than not.)
As always, quit FM9-Edit; reboot your FM9 by powering it down, waiting 5 seconds and powering back on. Re-open FM9-Edit.
(Disclaimer: Not a computer support tech. Just happens to work more often than not.)
The issue has persisted over several months and through many power cycles away from FM9-Edit. It's just now to the point where I'm trying to correct the issue. Thanks for the suggestion, but definitely not the solution in this case.
The issue has persisted over several months and through many power cycles away from FM9-Edit. It's just now to the point where I'm trying to correct the issue. Thanks for the suggestion, but definitely not the solution in this case.
OK. If the issue has been several months persistent, it's well worth opening up a tech support ticket with FAS Support. This problem seems bigger than what we can help you with just now...FAS may be able to coach you thru a process only a few of us on this forum are qualified to do.

My concern stems from the fact that you said you had working with Ableton and somehow "broke" the footswitch communication links within the preset layout.

Do you happen to have backups of your layouts from prior to the issue, and can you import a preset layout from prior the issue?

(You may note that some of your other layout links may be modified if the preset layout directs the other layout links accordingly...)
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I had a thought and confirmed it.

First I checked my unit and preset changes from the editor do follow on the Preset layout.

Then I set PC Mapping to ON. After that, I had the same problem.

Check to see if you've got that turned on.
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