FM9 Waitlist - US


I just put my name on the US waitlist for an FM9. How long is the wait . . . ? Anyone out there done this?

Depends on how long the current batch lasts... I just got mine this week with a waitlist entry last year November.
But I don't think things really shipped until August this year or so.
So it basically has to clear out the current waitlist and then have enough or more incoming supply to address your new entry. If supply starts flowing without interruptions it could go faster. If there's a break in shipments again, it'll extend.

There's a tracker here that might help to give you an idea:

Add your name for everyone's benefit.
It took a year for my name to come up….I would think it would move faster now that the Turbo option has become available..
Any answer from someone here other than Fractal employees is pure speculation, but it is safe to say that you have a while to wait. They are currently shipping units to people who signed up in November of last year. The rate of shipping has increased since they moved to the turbo, but Matt has also said that there are several "bumps" in ordering that happened over the past year, such as when the Turbo was annouced - more folks signed up during that period. I would say it is safe to assume somewhere between 6 and 12 months, but again, that is pure (slighttly educated) speculation on my part and there are many factors that could increase or decrease that period.
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