FM9 - USB Back ground random silence


New Member
Hi to all user and Technical Service,

I just received my FM9 Turbolast week and I found two problem:

- The display of swithc nr. 8 is damaged, ( no text appears, instead all pixel of it are “on” => black box appear in any condition) I already informed theSales dept. (Miss Sussi). And she promptly answere to me way mail that this uniti it will be replaced this Wednsday with, in parallel, the giving back of the current one. Waiting the confirmation Tomorrow 11/10/22.

- Moreover, by connecting this unit way USB so to play some backing track ( from You Tube for ex.) sometime the backing track mute temporary and totally, some time mute temporary on right ( or left ) channel…I already restarted the unit, reinstalled the driver, and changed the USB port & USB cable, but the problem still is …

Thank you for every support, Carlo.


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