FM9 Turbo Warranty


What is the general consensus on purchasing an extended warranty for the FM9 Turbo? I am not a pro. It would be very well cared for at home most of the time. I also don't usually play for more than 30 minutes to an hour at a go.

When they say 3-year extended, does that mean 3 years in total, or 4? The standard US warranty is one year.

What is the general consensus on purchasing an extended warranty for the FM9 Turbo? I am not a pro. It would be very well cared for at home most of the time. I also don't usually play for more than 30 minutes to an hour at a go.

When they say 3-year extended, does that mean 3 years in total, or 4? The standard US warranty is one year.

Personally I never buy extended warranties. Every so often the bear gets me and I have to replace or repair something but I’m still many thousands ahead of the game on this.
What is the general consensus on purchasing an extended warranty for the FM9 Turbo? I am not a pro. It would be very well cared for at home most of the time. I also don't usually play for more than 30 minutes to an hour at a go.

When they say 3-year extended, does that mean 3 years in total, or 4? The standard US warranty is one year.

3 years total...
Just in the case where they would be forced to repair versus replacing with a new replacement one ...
But in either case, you'd need the insurance. How much supply they have seems to me would only affect how long they'd have your unit in for repair. Not the likelihood of needing a repair, which is the reason, I suspect, for opting for the extra 2 years. Unless I'm not seeing something, I just don't get the relationship.
Okay. I get it. So you would refuse someone repair work, to hold onto the parts for warranty work?
This is exactly what mesas doing with the tube shortage. If your amp is out of warranty you now can’t get tubes from them.
This is a play right out of Gibson’s playbook too. They wouldn’t repair or sell me an out of warranty KRK VXT8 tweeter. Basically told me to pound rocks.
This is exactly what mesas doing with the tube shortage. If your amp is out of warranty you now can’t get tubes from them.
This is a play right out of Gibson’s playbook too. They wouldn’t repair or sell me an out of warranty KRK VXT8 tweeter. Basically told me to pound rocks.
Wow! To put my above question into perspective, for me, I opted to not buy the extended warranty for my Axe III, not so much because of the cost, but much more because of my trust in Fractal, that they build a very reliable product. I'm not totally comfortable with the thought, that should something happen, and I need a repair, I could be SOL. Does not seem fair. I believe it should be on a first-come, first-served, basis.

But I'll hold off on judgement, since I haven't yet heard an answer to my question.
Wow! To put my above question into perspective, for me, I opted to not buy the extended warranty for my Axe III, not so much because of the cost, but much more because of my trust in Fractal, that they build a very reliable product. I'm not totally comfortable with the thought, that should something happen, and I need a repair, I could be SOL. Does not seem fair. I believe it should be on a first-come, first-served, basis.

But I'll hold off on judgement, since I haven't yet heard an answer to my question.
I agree, FAS is a solid company 100%. I have full faith I will more than get my monies worth out of what I spend with them. Another well known giant in the guitar FX world is currently repairing their flagship product of mine 2 years out of warranty as if it were a warranty repair. I have a sneaking suspicion the day after a gibson product is out of warranty they wont want to know you. FAS and a few others set a high benchmark in terms of quality and service. When others miss, it can sure be frustrating.

I guess depending WHAT is wrong with your hypothetical repair unit will determine the wait time and/or repair ability. To me, the chances of needing a repair are quite slim, and then the chances of an extended warranty actually covering what the problem is would also be slim. It has to be a manufacturers defect or a part failing, not damage from accidents or misuse or anything. If a part didn’t fail immediately and didn’t fail in a year, I’m going to guess it’ll hold up the remainder of the 3 years just fine.

Like I said upthread, I never buy extended warranties on anything. Countless TVs, appliances, a multitude of every apple product made etc etc, I can count the number of times on one hand I had to come out of pocket for a repair of any kind that would have otherwise been covered. If I were buying a brand new AXEFXIII and my unit were a total loss, I’d end up just eating it and buying another because I’m still 1000s of dollars ahead with my approach. YMMV and all.
That's not what he said. And that's a huge chasm to of logic to leap to get to this statement.

What he said is buying a wholesale replacement might be hard should your unit break.

He never said repair work is refused.
It was a question, not a statement. He said "might" so that's why I asked.
That's not what he said. And that's a huge chasm to of logic to leap to get to this statement.

What he said is buying a wholesale replacement might be hard should your unit break.

He never said repair work is refused.
And why would someone want to buy a wholesale replacement (I don't even know what that is), should their unit break, anyway? I'd want mine repaired.
And why would someone want to buy a wholesale replacement (I don't even know what that is), should their unit break, anyway? I'd want mine repaired.
The repair may not be cost-effective. Or even possible.

People make their own risk assessments on these things.
And why would someone want to buy a wholesale replacement (I don't even know what that is), should their unit break, anyway? I'd want mine repaired.
Not everything is fixable. Sometimes when something can’t be fixed, a company will offer you a replacement cost. OR sometimes its cheaper to offer this than to fix something.
There's nothing in Fractal's history to suggest that would happen.
Well that's good to know, but I didn't make any "leap" by asking a question.
And "history" doesn't really answer my question either, especially since we're in unprecedented times. Matrix amps also had a good "history", but the way they've handled a couple recent issues makes me wonder what has changed.
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