fm9 turbo pitch problem (virtual capo)


New Member
I recently bought a fm9 turbo.I have a problem with pitch ..virtual matter if I go up or down a tone the sound is synthetic and has vibrato.
if possible I can also post a video with the same problem

thank you and I'm waiting for you to tell me what can be done
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I've had the same problem with the virtual capo on the Axe III on clean to light breakup sounds. It always has this weird, glitchy sound with a warbling or tremolo to it. It seems to work best on high gain sounds.

Edit: yes, I have it up plenty loud enough to cover up the acoustic string pitch clashing with the virtual capo pitch. This is something different than that.
Have you experimented with different <Tracking> settings and the <Pitch Tracking> options? I use the Virtual Capo regularly and with a clean amp had a similar experience setting it up. By adjusting the <Pitch Tracking> to 'Smooth' and the <Tracking> set to 0.00, the 'warble' is hard to hear. I also set the <Low Cut> in the Pitch Block to 3000.00 Hz which helps tame the synthetic sound.
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