FM9 Stereo Output Issues

Axe Grinder

Hey, All! I must be doing something stupid with my new FM9 setup, but I can't figure it out!

All is good, except I have XLR outs (L + R, Output 1) going to my small PA. No matter what I do, I have no stereo b/c it is doubling the signal, putting L+R in BOTH channels, the Output 1 L and Output R channels.

Why is EACH XLR cable doing stereo (L+R), not mono (just L and just R)? When I go to "Meters", it shows USB 5/6 getting signal even if I unplug one of my L or R cables in Output 1. It also shows a split signal for both Output 1 L and Output 1 R.

Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? Nothing sounds stereo because it's doing L+R in the L and R channels both in Output 1. Are the inputs on my PA not balanced? They are XLR...


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Your little pa mixer there can’t pan. A signal is a signal, it doesn’t know if it’s left vs right. You have to pan it on the mixer. A left side output from a device won’t automatically appear on the left side of a PA system automatically for any gear or any setup.

Looks like that’s a a Yamaha stagepas or one of those small powered mixers that comes with speakers. It should have some line level 1/4” inputs that have a dedicated left and right input on a single channel. You’ll have to use those for stereo.

Balanced connections have nothing to do with stereo.

USB levels will exist regardless of physical connections.
Ah, thank you, Chris! Correct, it is a Stagepass 400. I can certainly switch to 1/4" stereo outs on Output 1, I just thought XLR would be better, being balanced. I know balanced doesn't matter anyways since the cables are only 6 feet long, but will using the 1/4'' stereo line outs take advantage of humbuster, or can my little PA take advantage of that? I only currently have the normal 1/4" cables.

Thanks so much for your expertise!!
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