FM9 Seamless Switching Pop/db Spike

Hi all!

First of all, I’m brand new here. I’ve been a traditional amp and cab guy my entire life but got too curious about modeling in the last few years and I now own an FM9 as my first modeler. Perfect timing as my band will be headed to Europe next year for our biggest tour ever and I’m psyched to have all of my sounds in a carry on case.

I absolutely love my FM9 but I’ve had one small issue, and sorry if this has been addressed/solved elsewhere already!

In my preset I am running 2 amp blocks to achieve seamless switching between a high gain amp (Archean Bright) and a clean amp (Archean Clean). I’ve got the bypass modes for each block set to Mute, but when I switch from the high gain amp scene to the clean amp scene, there is an audible decibel level spike for just a millisecond or two when the switch is made. It is visible on the output block’s db meters. I can send a screen video later as I’m sure that would help. It does not occur when I do the other way around- switching from the clean scene to the high gain scene is perfectly smooth. I only get the spike when switching to clean, and it is pretty quick but very noticeable.

Is there another method I should be using to switch between these blocks besides toggling them on or off in certain scenes with the bypass modes on mute to get rid of this pop? Perhaps the multiplexer or something else would eliminate it?

Thanks everybody!
You’re only changing Scenes and the amp blocks aren’t changing channels at any point?

Better to export and upload the preset so we can see it.

Muting and unmuting a block shouldn’t have any noise at all. Rarely an amp can “pop” when a channel change happens (this is an issue with the specific model/type and is usually fixed quickly). But unmuting shouldn’t cause that regardless.
I’ll do an export and upload here later when I am home from work. There is no channel change happening on either block- the switch itself is seamless and has no audio gap which is great, just that weird brief audio spike. Thanks for your help, hopefully the upload helps me see what I am (almost definitely) doing wrong.
I've attached the preset here. It happens switching from any scene to scene 3 which is the clean amp scene.

Any help is appreciated!


  • Db Spike Preset.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 3
I've attached the preset here. It happens switching from any scene to scene 3 which is the clean amp scene.

Any help is appreciated!
on Scene 3, Amp 1 is set to THRU for Bypass Mode. this means we hear the dry path of that row. at the same time, Amp 2 level was so low, we aren't even hearing it, really, but mostly hearing that dry row.

setting Amp 1 to MUTE instead of Thru on Scene 3 got rid of the knock sound when changing to Scene 3. do that first, and you'll hear how low Amp 2 really was.

make sure every channel you use in both amp blocks are set to Mute instead of Thru for bypass mode.
Thanks for the suggestions Chris- it seems to have gotten a bit better now that I've made sure absolutely everything on all channels of both blocks is on mute, but it also still does happen sometimes. What's odd is that its not every time. I ring out a loud chord and then jump between the scenes with the foot controller and it happens every other time or so. It doesnt happen when using the mouse on FM9 Edit.

I've attached the preset here again. I can live with this if it ends up being the worst of my problems but figured I'd throw the updated version here anyway in case there is something else causing it from the foot controller.


  • Db Spike 2.syx
    24.1 KB · Views: 3
I've attached the preset here. It happens switching from any scene to scene 3 which is the clean amp scene.

Any help is appreciated!
You could just set channel B on AMP1 as the clean amp Archean Clean and save that as S03. This would allow you to remove AMP2 from the preset and speed up the switching.
Hope this helps.
Also are you running 3.0 firmware?
You could just set channel B on AMP1 as the clean amp Archean Clean and save that as S03. This would allow you to remove AMP2 from the preset and speed up the switching.
Hope this helps.
Also are you running 3.0 firmware?
Amp 2 is there to speed up the switching by unmuting rather than change channels.

Sometimes an amp model pops/clicks when changed to and it needs to be adjusted by Fractal. There were recent amp updates and it’s impossible to try switching to and from every single possible combination.

Just saying it could be this kinda thing and not anything you’re doing. I’ll take a look again later, but the preset seemed “correct”.
@skategeezer - as Chris mentioned, I’m using the second amp block to achieve seamless switching, but thank you for the suggestion regardless!

@chris - thanks for taking the time here. Honestly would be a little relieved if it was just a little bug that needed to be adjusted by Fractal. At least I could rest knowing I’m doing things right haha. I’ve actually only tested this with the Archean, which if I’m not mistaken is one of the newer models. I’ll double check that my firmware is up to date and then I’ll run a test using different amps and see if I’m still getting the same issue.
@skategeezer - as Chris mentioned, I’m using the second amp block to achieve seamless switching, but thank you for the suggestion regardless!

@chris - thanks for taking the time here. Honestly would be a little relieved if it was just a little bug that needed to be adjusted by Fractal. At least I could rest knowing I’m doing things right haha. I’ve actually only tested this with the Archean, which if I’m not mistaken is one of the newer models. I’ll double check that my firmware is up to date and then I’ll run a test using different amps and see if I’m still getting the same issue.
Are you on firmware 3?
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