FM9 onstage


Scary moment this weekend, had a water accidentally get spilled onto the FM9, the system shut down and would not turn on after wiping it down. Checked it yesterday ( day after show ) and today no issues, powers on and sounds great as usual. Lesson learned and no longer will I have liquids near it. Is the shut down a fault tolerance safety measure?
I think you only got luck that the short was only on parts that forces the shutdown but no damage.
And after the electronics dried, all working normal again. Fluid on the wrong parts may cause real damage.
Since I got floor modelers I always have my drinks at the backline or on the side of stage, far away from floorboard or modeler.
Glad to hear your unit is still alive, remember to always have a plan B backup. Murphy's Law if it can go wrong, it probably will and be prepared.
Ask any roadie how do you become good at your job? Have a plan B backup.
Wrap the FM9 in kitchen plastic wrap, will be water resistant and not get in the way.
And to be clear, this was water not a beer? 😉 lol
Glad it worked out ok. I always get nervous when people are standing in front of the stage and their drinks are going everywhere!
Scary moment this weekend, had a water accidentally get spilled onto the FM9, the system shut down and would not turn on after wiping it down. Checked it yesterday ( day after show ) and today no issues, powers on and sounds great as usual. Lesson learned and no longer will I have liquids near it. Is the shut down a fault tolerance safety measure?
Any kind of moisture will corrode over time. It might be working now until that corrosion begins to set in. Have it serviced and or inspected as soon as you can. It will be worth it in the long run.
Just ordered a Tech-21 Flyrig 5 To keep in my cable box. Carrying around a spare combo amp defeats the purpose of going to a FM9. Thanks for bringing this up, Murphy's law always applies!
I'm thinking of doing the same. I have not been able to play or hear one other than YouTube. Have you used one before?
I'm thinking of doing the same. I have not been able to play or hear one other than YouTube. Have you used one before?
Nope but seen a few people on these threads talk about using them as a spare. Our Bass player has a bass version and loves it. I'm sure I can get by with it if needed, I'll just have to play with it a bit so I'm not in the dark if I ever need it.
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