FM9 layout and views info


Power User
Was thinking about whether the layout and views options have been tweaked for the FM9. As there are 9 buttons, the existing FM3 3 buttons x 4 views and FC6 6 buttons x 2 views doesnt work. I’d like to see the top three buttons being able to have a different layout/view to the main lower 6 buttons (so I can have presets / effects / tap tempo say fixed at all times from one view without wasting duplicating those buttons in all views)

Can someone describe how current layouts work on FM9?
Ah found that Chris covers this a bit at 9:30 in this video. Looks like currently views aren’t used and you loose 3 buttons per layout. For my use case I’d need to duplicate the top row across all layouts (so i’d only have 6 flexible buttons per layout). Hope there’s a better way to do this splitting the FM9 footswitches into a 3 and 6 footswitch config that can have different views.

I like the Layout with the three switches on the top right use Presets, Scenes, and Effects? Any chance that Layout could be used with the FM3 and FC6?
I took a look through the manual and it looks like view two will have only three switches (keeping the 12 total as with other FAS products). Check page 81 of the FM9 user manual for details.
I took a look through the manual and it looks like view two will have only three switches (keeping the 12 total as with other FAS products). Check page 81 of the FM9 user manual for details.

Thanks - have pasted that below. Would like to see a good use case for the second view, Im struggling to think of one as it only has three footswitches available.

I really like the OMG9
i figure i could just configure same w far left 3 switches presets scenes and Effects they use the 6 switches on right to display
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