FM9 foot switch not switching after approx. 1/2 hour passes


As the title says, I'm having an issue with the 3rd foot switch (layout 1) not switching back on if I switch from it then back. I'm suspecting possibly a bad switch, but not exactly convinced of that yet (see #4 below - which is why I'm not convinced 100% it is a faulty switch.

Some quick background how how I use the Fractal. I have a single preset, that works well for nearly all songs. So I program a Set List based upon the switches needed from this preset for each song. So, I don't really use this 3rd button as often as I do 1 and 2, but I do use it.

This is what I have observed in my analysis:
  1. It seems to occur after about 1/2 hour on the same preset, while I rehearse.
  2. All other switches are unaffected.
  3. I switch it on and off thru FM9-Edit through the computer
    1. I can switch it back on, and switch back-and-forth through the computer
    2. If I switch it back on with the computer, but select a different switch manually at the controller, it will not switch back
  4. If I reboot, it will start working again without issue - switching back-and-forth... I just cannot say for how long.
Rather than go back and forth here, please contact us at Fractal Audio support.
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