FM9 firmware development team?


Power User
Have just got my FM9 so I’m not up to speed on likely firmware development cycles. Is it the same team that does the FM3 (as the CPU architectures are the same) or are they a different team? Is it likely FM9 firmware will come after the FM3 FW6 is fully released or do they get worked on in parallel?
I don't have any insider knowledge, but it is my understanding that they are different teams. The firmware updates have not coincided historically but that doesn't necessarily reflect whether they are both being worked on in parallel.
FM9 firmware is under private beta, are they going to do a public beta for this release?

Once they're happy to release it to the public. That's the usual process, Fractal Beta team test and once they're happy there's no obvious gremlins they release it for us to try. Once any issues get ironed out it's then a full release
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