
New Member
I just purchased a used FM9. When I got to the guys house , all was working fine. FM9 edit was communicating fine. I got home hooked everything up and Fm9 edit won't connect. Any ideas what's wrong.
Congrats on your FM9 purchase! It sounds frustrating to have connectivity issues right out of the gate. Here are a few troubleshooting steps that might help:

  1. USB Connection: Double-check your USB connection. Try a different USB cable and port on your computer to rule out any hardware issues.
  2. Drivers: Ensure you have the latest drivers installed for the FM9 on your computer. You can download them from the Fractal Audio website.
  3. FM9 Edit Software: Make sure you’re using the latest version of FM9 Edit. Sometimes, an outdated version can cause connectivity problems.
  4. Power Cycle: Turn off the FM9 and your computer, then turn them back on. Sometimes a simple restart can resolve connection issues.
  5. Settings: Check the settings on the FM9 itself to ensure that USB communication is enabled and properly configured.
  6. Operating System: Ensure that your computer's operating system is compatible with the FM9 and its software.
If none of these steps work, you might want to try connecting to a different computer to see if the issue persists. If it does, there might be a deeper issue that requires support from Fractal Audio.

Hope this helps, and good luck!
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