FM9 direct into bass guitar rig?


New Member
Hey everyone,

Continuing my journey using the FM9 to replace my rather large bass guitar pedalboard for my TOOL tribute band. Previously, this pedalboard plugged directly into my Gallien Krueger Fusion 800S and NEO 4x10 cabinet. My signal chain included a Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra (overdrive setting set to 0 - just using it as a preamp without the overdrive) through all the other pedals, then into the overdrive channel on the GK Fusion 800S, then to the cab. Bass guitar is a Wal MK III. So here you can see that I am essentially running into a preamp with overdrive, into another preamp with overdrive, then to the cabinet. I was very happy with the tone I got, but not happy with the various negative aspects of an analog pedalboard.

Signal chain on the FM9 is includes RAT drive block with minimal overdrive (setting of 1), various effects, then to USA BASS 400 2 AMP block, (MESA 400+), two cabs (Mesa and SVT), then to the main input jack of the GK head preamp, then through the GK cab.

With the FM9 I had originally started plugging into the return jack on the GK amp with the FM9 CAB sims turned off as I am running through my GK cabinet. Based on what I have been reading on the forum, I disabled CAB sims, and the tone sounded really bad, so turned the CAB sims back on and it sounds great!

Experimenting more, and because I wanted the convenience of quickly adjusting EQ if needed for stage monitoring, I decided to plug the output of the FM9 directly into GK amp "clean" channel and turned all preamp knobs to noon (no contour, or other EQ engaged). Surprisingly, the tone is amazing and am a near perfect match tonally to all of the TOOL material i play.

What am I missing here? I was under the impression that you shouldn't run the FM9 into another preamp, turn cab sims off if you are using a cab, etc.

Maybe for bass guitar applications, the preamp (and solid state amp) are effectively acting as a power amp (with EQ adjustability) and the bass cabinet is acting more like an FRFR would for guitar?

PS: Add me to the list of folks wanting more bass amp and cabinet IRs!
I am using Axe FX III so as FM9 for bass this way: OUT1 goes to IEM/FOH, OUT2 to return of my GK amp (only power amp). OUT2 is without cab sim. I am using my GK just for backup for IEM and to feel "wind" on my trousers legs.
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