FM9 BPM Tempo LED/Light

Assign one of the switches as 'Tap Tempo'. It is way more visible than that little green Tempo LED on the front panel.
Are you are looking for something completely independent that you could place in a different location, like maybe by your drummer?
Are you are looking for something completely independent that you could place in a different location, like maybe by your drummer?
That is exactly what I am looking for. And I believe the BPM and tap tempo are two separate rates…..I need BPM. That’s what flashes on the FM9 Tempo LED at the top of the unit.
Same thing. BPM is the measurement for the current tempo, which is what tap tempo sets. Fractal units receive and sync to but do not transmit MIDI clock, so they won't drive external tempo displays. Another device (DAW, drum machine, sequencer, etc.) will need to functions as the master for the MIDI clock signal and the display for the drummer and the Fractal unit can sync to that.
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