FM9 and Set/Song List Freezing?


New Member
Hey all! I'm an FM9 enjoyer, having upgraded from AX8. I'm very much a novice when it comes to modelers, but for the amount of gigging I do, it has been exactly what I needed.
I was hoping to get some help with FM9 and set/song list function. I was following tutorials from G66 (who I love), but I found that when I tried to use the foot controllers to advance to next song in list, the unit completely froze up. This was while I was on V 7.00. I updated the unit to V 8.00 yesterday, and did a full reset of the unit (after backing up my presets), and I haven't gone back to do a test of the feature yet, but wanted to see if there was anyone else who had similar issues, and if so, how did they resolve it?
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