fm9 and original marshall 800 comparison

yesterday i went to a friend's rehearsal room and compared his 800 jmc with the factory brit 800 scene one . we tweaked the fm9 until we had a similar result to the original. i had my headrush frfr 112 and he his 4x12 cab . he ordered a fm9 today[1].mp4?dl=0;)
Nice to hear!

I also have a Headrush FRFR12 and FRFR8 myself. One of my friends recently received his FM9 Turbo after hearing my own FM9 and I lent him my FRFR12 to compare amps in his collection. He is amazed at how well the FM9 performs in comparison with his amps which include Fenders, Marshalls, Vox, etc (he got terminal GAS). He also has a huge collection of cabs as well. He's currently trying various amps and cabs and just impressed!

So in the end, it is no surprise that Fractal has the reputation it enjoys.
Not enough bottom end on the FM 800 and there's some mid thing going on as well! A little more tweaking is required to match the cab sound of the 800.
It’s very close - as expected - but as @Sixstring said, there is some mid thing with the Headrush. That’s why I returned the one I had briefly ;-)
It can propably be tweaked closer I guess, but personally I didn’t have the patience.

thx for your replies.👍 headrush vol was on lv 7 from 11 . my friend says it comes so close to the original characteristics ( he owns about 40 marshalls most of them 800 rs and they all sound different , he says) that he's convinced to buy an fm 9 ( i don't know what kind of frfr he's gonna buy together with it ) . i'm pretty satisfied with my headrush. gives me enough power to play with the band and is quietly enough to play in my bedroom.and we will tweak it more when he received his fm9 for shure . i'll put in the result in time .and it was recorded with a simple samsung handy.
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Hey there

With headphones on (AudioTechnica ATH-M50x) the real cab sounds warmer.
The sound comparison is like:
Sitting in front of a fireplace in the winter (real cab) or beeing outside, watching the fireplace through a window in the winter (HR112)

No disrespect to your setup or the Fractal by any means.

The same results I get with my stereo setup HR108, but with a EQ tweak that is very well absorbed and gives the HR more dynamics and warmth.
It's a tip: It can't do no harm to try it yourself.

Thread 'Flattening the headrush curve':

Cheers 🍻
thx for your replies.👍 headrush vol was on lv 7 from 11 . my friend says it comes so close to the original characteristics ( he owns about 40 marshalls most of them 800 rs and they all sound different , he says) that he's convinced to buy an fm 9 ( i don't know what kind of frfr he's gonna buy together with it ) . i'm pretty satisfied with my headrush. gives me enough power to play with the band and is quietly enough to play in my bedroom.and we will tweak it more when he received his fm9 for shure . i'll put in the result in time .and it was recorded with a simple samsung handy.
If you have a chance to it would be interesting to hear the difference using a well known FR cab, CLR or even the EV PXM even a guitar centric FR cab would be interesting to hear.
sry , i don't have access to others than my headrush (wich is , imho a very well known frfr cab ) and i wanted to compair the original with this one .
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