FM3 Volume Modifier 'Operation' <== same as in the FX III


New Member
My guitar is equippend with a piezo in addition to the magnetic PUs.
The piezo has no volume control on the guitar.
My preset:
The FM-3 "In 1" is used for the magnetics to "Out 1".
The FM-3 "In 2" is used for the piezo to "Out 1".
I would like to use two VolPan blocks assigned to one FC-1 as Src1 and Src2.
In VolPan 1 the Modifier is then Start=0% and End=100%
In VolPan 2 the Modifier is then Start=100% and End=0%.
So, I would like to see "Operation" "Src1 + Src2" as possible in the FX-III.
This allows to blend between the magnetics and piezo in an easy way.
Currently I have only one VolPan block inserted in the piezo path.
Blending between piezo and magnetics needs a foot on the FC-1
and a hand at the volume control on the guitar.
Now I am already completely blocked with volume control multitasking
and picking some strings in addition is nearly out of my capabilities ;-).

Check the YT vid "Axe-Fx III Live Two Amp Blending - 60 Second Sounds #1" by Cooper Carter
where he uses this trick with "Operation" "Src1 + Src2" and invers Start End in one of the VolPan block.
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Why assign the pedal to both Src1 and Src2? You only need one source in each modifier to crossfade. In the video he never touches source 2. You can also put the volume blocks after the amps as well if you don't want to affect the level of break up you get from each amp as you crossfade.
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Yes, you are right. Now it works. Thanks a lot.
And setting the Mid from 50% to about 70% in the Modifiers has a better crossfade (less volume loss)
if the foot pedal is in the mid position (maybe changing from log to lin characteristics helps too).
So, this wish is not a wish anymore.
Now I will dig a bit more in the FX-III manual to understand the purpose of the "Operation" there.
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