FM3 Used Pricing


New Member
Looking to pick up an FM3 for my son. I usually buy used. Looking on Reveb, Marketplace, and the Classified forum I am finding them around $950 - $1,000. Since you give up the warranty this seems silly to me. Am I missing something? Apologies if this sounds like a silly post but I am new to the FM3 world and feel like there must be something I just dont get.
Looking to pick up an FM3 for my son. I usually buy used. Looking on Reveb, Marketplace, and the Classified forum I am finding them around $950 - $1,000. Since you give up the warranty this seems silly to me. Am I missing something? Apologies if this sounds like a silly post but I am new to the FM3 world and feel like there must be something I just dont get.
This is generally what FM3 mk II Turbo versions go for used.
I agree. Used pricing is too high in my opinion. Fractal does have good resale value and that's a good thing, but if I'm only getting a $50-$100 discount buying used, I might just as well buy a new one & get the warranty. That has stopped me from buying a used FM3 as a backup. I might buy one at some point but probably will end up with the MkII brand new.
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I agree with ruso that $800 is a fair price (might even go as high as $850). There is a difference between fair and market prices though. Like it or not, Reverb is the "go to" platform these days. Sellers will try to recoup some of the fees they incur. Rule of thumb is that the Seller loses from 10 to 11% of the selling price through fees. IMO that is what is driving the seemingly inflated prices.

Your best bet is to buy local first, which you've already indicated that you do.

On a side note I find that Fractal gear depreciates significantly slower than other modelers. I noticed this a few years back when someone commented on used pricing for AX8s. That speaks well of the quality.
Just had an AX8 come available locally on Craigslist for $800! I'm guessing the seller would take $700. I went to Reverb and the AX8 is listing for $775 (offers accepted).

This is just for a frame of reference.
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