FM3 switching question


New Member
Hi question,

I`m happy fm9 user. For transportation I want the option to go smaller. Is it possible to let the switches for FM3 do this in song mode?
  • Knob 1 long press song up
  • Knob 2 long press tuner
  • Knob 3 long press song down
  • Knop 1 short press toggle to scene 4 and back to scene 1
  • Knop 2 short press toggle to scene 5 and back to scene 2
  • Knop 3 short press toggle to scene 6 and back to scene 3
If this can`t be done in song mode, is this possible in preset mode?

There are no modes. They start blank and you populate them with the functions you want. Default layouts happen to have things there instead of blank.

This should be possible. You can use 3 switches on the FM9 to test it by programming what you just said.
To be clear, when you say "knob" above, I assume you mean the 3 switches and not knobs, correct?
I can’t speak to ‘song mode’, but yes you can do all that in a layout.

And if you change one of those to toggle/increment the ‘view’, or better yet add a small external switch to do so, you can have an additional 18 functions (9 tap and 9 hold) out of those 3 switches.

For my small board I have it set up similar to what you propose, but if I increment the view I can access FX bypass toggles/channel increments and other features I may want to access within those scenes (and I have the tuner on one of the external buttons together with the view increment):

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