FM3 Output 2 Cabling


New Member

I just purchased an FM3 and am anticipating its arrival. Quick question for those long-time users who have connected the FM3 in various combinations. One of the many ways I plan to connect the FM3 is to the front of a bass amp which I plan to do using the Left side of Output 2 on the FM3 which is marked "Humbuster." I did purchase the humbuster cable with the FM3 so I can use it, but I'm wondering if a person could plug a standard 1/4-inch instrument cable into the Output 2 jack as well? I guess it will all come down to potential hum generated, but I'm curious if it can be done or if the Humbuster cable is always required/recommended.

Many thanks for the speedy post sir. I figured it was possible to use a standard TS cable but just wanted to double check before I go blowing anything up as soon as I flip the new unit on. I was paging through the hundreds of posts of FM3 rigs on these forums and I thought I saw a few pictures where users had some kind of standard instrument cable plugged into Output 2 that wasn't a Humbuster. I had been using the HX Stomp as an effects processor for the past few years, but I thought it was time to move to the next level with an FM3. I should have it by Monday and the unit looks impressive as heck from all the video clips and reviews I've seen. Thanks again for the help.
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