FM3 Midi via HXFX


I have midi working perfectly between the FM3 and HXFX using the HXFX to control the FM3. What I can't figure out is how to pass back the state of the FM3 Blocks (on or off) to the HXFX when I change presets. The states of the switches on the HXFX (on/off, lit/dim) stay in whatever state they were previously in when changing between presets on the FM3.

I would like the HXFX to show if a Block on the FM3 is off or on. Everything else works fine, I can change Presets, turn blocks off and on, etc. I just can't get the HXFX to light up the corresponding switch on the HXFX when I change Presets. I can receive Midi to the HXFX just fine from the FM3 and vice versa.

Is there a command on the FM3 to send current Block states via midi or something like that?
I guess I would want the FM3 to send everything about the Preset not just the block states. I think a FC6 may be in my future.
Could you coordinate the preset on both the FM3 and HXFX to change at the same time? Then you would just have to make sure that the default preset states match on both devices.
I think the Voes midi controllers can sync the way you would like with the FM3... but it doesn't work with most non-Fractal controllers...
This might not be practical but I just programmed my HXFX to globally toggle a few key effects on the FM3. I set each FM3 preset to start up with the effects bypassed and toggle them that way.

edit: I re-read your post and the above alone won’t work for you. Have you thought about having HXFX send program changes for each preset and aligning HXFX foot switches as I’ve done above?
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