Wish FM3-Edit Snapshot for Scenes

a scene is turning things on and off in a preset.

how would this work the way you're suggesting? if you're on a preset with all 4 channels of the amp block filled, then load a "scene snapshot" where does that amp info go?
The point is: I mainly use the FM as kind of pedalboard.....allways the same FX. Just different amps and cabs in different preset channels. That's the way I experiment with different clean sounds for example. I want to be able to export my favorit preset channel to another preset the way block channels can. Where you can determine to save just one channel or the whole thing.
Ok, but that's not what snapshots do in any case.

I know there's a way to save all blocks in a preset to the block library. Maybe that could be extended to save only the active channels?

I think maybe that would work for you? You'd still need to load a block at a time into another preset.

There's many requests for "multi block" activities... None have ever been implemented and I suspect it's because there's a technical reason making it hard.
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