Wish FM3-Edit Manage - Move multiple without having to find a completely empty space.

I've been really enjoying the FM3-Edit Manage feature for moving multiple presets around. I do, however, think there could be an improvement in the way FM3-Edit handles moving multiple presets at once. Currently if you select multiple presets in a single contiguous block, and want to shift them a single position (or any number of positions that ends up in an overwrite of one of the selected presets) FM3-Edit does not move the presets because the destination range already has content. However, the only presets that are going to be overwritten are presets that are going to be moved anyway, so I think that shouldn't stop the operation. The workaround I have for this is to move the block far enough away in empty space that I can move it back to where I want without ever running into an "overwrite" situation. This works for now, but I could imagine it becoming a problem if there wasn't enough free space. I'd imagine it wouldn't be a big deal for FM3-Edit to either "lift and rewrite" the whole block or shift them one by one in a way that wouldn't clobber an existing preset.

Thanks for considering this feature request!
The easiest would be to ask if slots X and Y with existing presets should be overwritten or not. If not, only the empty spaces are filled and you can move the presets that were in the way out first.
+1. I sort my preset by setlist order before every gig, and it's an unnecessarily tedious process to sort presets in FM/AXE Edit. As OP says, if you want to move several presets between two presets, there's a long process of moving presets and making room i between to make that happen. I want the preset list to automatically make room for new or moved presets by moving existing presets down the list.
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